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SimmerDownRizzo t1_iwuvogc wrote

If you're close to, or it's easy to get to Penn Station, then you can always take aLIRR train. All trains stop at Jamaica (except Port Washington). And I'm pretty sure you get to Jamaica before they start collecting tickets. So there's a chance you'll ride free.

FINAL EDIT: You guys, we did it!!! They have a ticket specifically for going from Jamaica to Brooklyn or Penn. Its $5.75, and its called a City Pass.

EDIT: Apparently this may not be the best choice. Proceed accordingly. This maybe a $10 ride to Nowheresville.

EDIT 2: Apparently, there is a $10 surcharge as another commenter pointed out. So this is not really a great plan for a short trip like Penn to Jamaica. That being said tickets can be refunded within a certain time window from purchase. Even if it was a round-trip and it was only punched going one way.

EDIT 3a: That being said, another commenter also pointed out that you should be able to grab a free ride from Penn to Jamaica if you present your MetroCard and inform the conductor that there is a service interruption preventing you from taking the E to Jamaica.

EDIT 3b: This might not apply to planned service changes.

EDIT 4: Always purchase a ticket for the LIRR, my original comment was not to say that you shouldn't buy a ticket, just that you could get a refund if you don't get your ticket punched. But this isn't the best idea because: See edits above.


ILoveTabascoSauce t1_iwv31gh wrote

> And I'm pretty sure you get to Jamaica before they start collecting tickets

Most definitely not - please don't try this. They check the tickets almost always before Woodside. Buy your ticket.


SimmerDownRizzo t1_iwv3ydk wrote

You should always buy a ticket, if it doesn't get punched you can refund it.


ILoveTabascoSauce t1_iwv43og wrote

Ah fair enough. That being said, i've never not had my ticket punched from Penn to Jamaica. Usually it's within the first minute of leaving.


SimmerDownRizzo t1_iwvcnng wrote

Eh, I think it depends on a lot of factors. Eg: Peak/Off-peak, where you're located on the train, how on-time the train is etc. It happens. I've made the trip plenty of times, end-to-end on Ronkonkoma, and not been punched either way.


snobum OP t1_iwvge1v wrote

Refunds are $10, more than the cost of the ticket.


SimmerDownRizzo t1_iwviwa0 wrote

So you're saying you'll have $.75 burning a hole in your pocket. Man, I bet you'll be able to find a sick Street Fighter arcade machine somewhere.


doowi1 t1_iww0i7l wrote

Even if it's activated or no?


SimmerDownRizzo t1_iww4g38 wrote

Apparently, there is a $10 surcharge as another commenter pointed out. So this is not really a great plan for a short trip like Penn to Jamaica. That being said tickets can be refunded within a certain time window from purchase. Even if it was a round-trip and it was only punched going one way.

That being said, another commenter also pointed out that you should be able to grab a free ride from Penn to Jamaica if you present your MetroCard and inform the conductor that there is a service interruption preventing you from taking the E to Jamaica.


Bntyhntr t1_iwv1ntc wrote

If going from Atlantic, you can get an Atlantic ticket at all times for $5. (Probably not if you're taking the E to JFK though...)

Otherwise if using Penn, a CityTicket (only applicable during offpeak) is also $5.


joyousRock t1_iwvvsm6 wrote

Yes LIRR is the move if you're going to JFK from midtown with no E train. buying a ticket is not optional though lol


intjish_mom t1_iwxo1yg wrote

they have a ticket specifically for going from jamaica to brooklyn or penn. its $5.75, its called a city pass. theres no $10 surcharge on that unless you buy the ticket on the train. heck, if you have the app you can buy the ticket on that. but if you dont use the ticket there is a surchage on getting a refund and you dont get any money back for the low cost of the city ticket since the cost of the ticket is lower than the surcharge


mematixta t1_iwvnpt4 wrote

If there's a Subway issue the LIRR will honor passengers with a Metro Card. Just show the conductor the card and you'll be ok to ride without paying the LIRR fee.


ASmellyThing t1_iww5scg wrote

Idk if this would work for a scheduled interruption. The only times I’ve seen them cross honor tickets is if an interruption in service happens out of nowhere or if they specify that they will cross honor the fares. Buying a city ticket before boarding is the safest bet.


mematixta t1_iwx3r2g wrote

Yes. For a scheduled interruption that is posted no. For other incidences yes.


NKtDpt4x t1_iwxn5i4 wrote

City Ticket btwn Penn and Jamaica is only $5. Same for other direction.