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stonecats t1_iv2rcza wrote

just a rant, no need to respond.
so last month all the queens coops i live around got those
brown compost bins for people to deposit their kitchen scraps.
so i bought my own 1gal bin and special 1gal green cornmeal bags
as my cooking generates about 1gal of produce scraps each week.
today my bin is full, i tie up the baggie and then go for the city bin.
they are all gone, not a single building has them out anymore.
my guess is private coops don't want to have to deal with them.
i finally found one in front of a laundromat 6 long blocks away
and it was half full of paper waste.
i'm so depressed nobody bothers to participate in this program.
it's typical greenwashing how the city wastes money on poorly
executed programs to score political points and nothing improves.
i filed a complaint with 311 parks department to suggest they put
these brown bins in the parks somewhere people in surrounding
buildings can then bring their scraps to. parks already deal with
leaf litter waste separately, so compost should not be a stretch.
this anecdote only goes to show you that people will not save the
planet unless they are paid(savings) or legally compelled to do so.