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Pac- t1_iy81jlo wrote

Can I withhold rent from my landlord?

My roommates and I have been getting screwed by our landlord. We paid extra to have a dishwasher and a nice bedframe left behind, and we’ve had neither for the 4 months we’ve lived here.

Our “house leader” straight up lied to us and told us that our dishwasher would be here in a week. This was said in August. I talked to the technician in the building and he said he gave them an expensive quote 2 weeks prior bcuz it needed a new motherboard. Building clearly didnt want to pay it and has yet to get us a functioning dishwasher (its been 4 months).

They promised to leave behind a nice bedframe as part of the deal and ended up taking it. They said theyd bring it back in “3 days”. Its yet again been 4 months (and we contact them every other week).

Heres the kicker: 2 weeks ago we needed a new mail key, and we have yet to receive one. We need to get into our mailbox and just like the dishwasher and bedrame, they are ghosting us. Everytime we reach out they either say its on the way or “weve put out the request to the ____”.

So can we withhold rent until everything is fixed? Or atleast the urgent stuff like mailbox