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ThreeLittlePuigs t1_iwunu2y wrote

Would be great if the companies were forced to more tightly regulate where / how their product is stored. Really don't want to be one of those city's where bird scooters are lying around everywhere making the streets less ADA accessible. Lord knows our city is too cozy with tech and cares too little for its citizens to actually regulate these companies, or their riders.


uppernycghost t1_iwurwte wrote

You guys do not want this. There aren't docks for these and people literally drop them anywhere and everywhere. The middle of the sidewalk, the grass, and even up your ass. This would absolutely be terrible for Manhattan. They are barred from Manhattan.* The only plus side is that they aren't anywhere near as fast as electric citibikes.


uppernycghost t1_iwuvxfo wrote

Except even the DOT raised concerns citing that they found 24% of scooters improperly parked, and I've personally seen them lying around in the restricted "red-zones" where they supposedly shouldn't be. There's a reason these are barred from Manhattan and likely not coming to other Boros. They even raised concerns about how it took away from transit ridership instead of car ridership lol. This shit is definitely staying in the Bronx.


stansvan t1_iwv2zjx wrote

Agency discovered that scooters are mostly replacing walking or transit trips, rather than car trips. Great, more unhealthy people.


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_iwv5lcz wrote

Yep, then they could capture some revenue from renting the space. Instead they allow them to just be thrown around neighborhoods and take up sidewalk / crosswalk and sometimes even street space with no revenue gained from the city for the inconvenience, and less accessible sidewalks for everyone else.


savageo6 t1_iwvja7l wrote

It's very convenient and I agree assholes that abuse it like riding in bike lanes should be banned. The law is if it top speed is 30 or less you don't need a motorcycle license for it


angelsplight t1_iwvm55z wrote

I'm fine with it. I used bird and uber a lot while I was in la and got used to the littered escooters everywhere


KniFee_ t1_iwwn0fl wrote

I do want this even if it's worse than what you outlined here. If 1 out of 1000 people decided to ride this instead of taking an Uber, I'll consider it a win in my book.


Space_Cowboy10859 t1_iwxan9r wrote

As a Bronx native, whoever's idea it was to drop this 💩on us should be handcuffed to one like a ball and chain.


FarFromSane_ t1_iwxmkfi wrote

Paris has designated parking spots for them all over. Pretty convenient too cause then you know where to find them. And you can fit a ton of these in one or two car parking spots.

And it’s pretty harshly enforced. You have to take a picture of the scooter in the spot and if you don’t do it you will get a big ticket.