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imnotthesmartestman t1_iup2t8d wrote

People here (the City, State, and moreso the Country) are simply massive losers. It sucks. it really does, and you if you figure this out let me know.


ApartNefariousness95 OP t1_iup3lhu wrote

I doubt I will ever figure it out because this has been an ongoing issue for ever. And it wouldn't be just NYC, but pretty much a lot of places.

We went to Curacao over the summer.....sure, there was some trash here and there, but nothing like around here. I have been to London, Berlin, Brussels and Prague....I don't really recall the amount of garbage that I see around here, but there was still some trash. Bottom line is, there are just really shitty people wherever you go.


imnotthesmartestman t1_iup9hdp wrote

I think it's fair to say that there is way more disrespect for others here (in the US) compared to some other places around the world, and I think it's the individualistic mindset we have, so I'd say it is largely cultural. But some places also have really intricate garbage disposal systems so, that's the other part.

This issue in particular I actually posted about on /r/asknyc a few months ago when I saw someone tossing napkins out of their car. I was met mostly with agreement that it sucks, but there were a few that told me to mind my business or suck it up or whatever. It sucks. People suck.