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El_Gato t1_iwpo3pu wrote

Ahh! Guess The NYpost is done with the “crime in the city, only Zeldin can save you” posts… and moved on to some good ole’ infrastructure clickbait fear mongering!!!


Understanding_Naive t1_iwppb2c wrote

How is this clickbait?

Edit: the MTA is a monopoly. Theyre trying to shake down the govt for our tax dollars or else theyre going to cut jobs and services. They claim ridership is down since COVID and for some reason they think taxpayers should foot the bill.


GettingPhysicl t1_iwpvf0w wrote

They will never, ever, cut jobs. Certainly not the untold thousands of no-show shifts. They will cut services


tuberosum t1_iwq8o5y wrote

> Theyre trying to shake down the govt for our tax dollars or else theyre going to cut jobs and services. They claim ridership is down since COVID and for some reason they think taxpayers should foot the bill.

Do you know what happens when you let people go and then need them back once ridership goes up?

You pay a shitload of overtime since plenty won't return. Great deal for us, pay out even more in overtime!


Grass8989 t1_iwptl7e wrote

They actually haven’t stopped reporting on crime, it just isn’t allowed to be posted here out of the “megathread”


73577357 t1_iwq3cup wrote

Less trains to push people in front of is a double win.


El_Gato t1_iwqhixg wrote

Thats not the worst take. No train, no problems.


azspeedbullet t1_iwpo3cc wrote

why give the mta more money? they dont need it. audit the ceos and the big wigs. that is where all of the money goes to instead


TeamMisha t1_iws5amd wrote

> audit the ceos and the big wigs

No lmao google "LIRR overtime king", there are/were employees literally making more than the CEO and board members for abusing OT policies. Biometric time keeping is helping now but there are still a lot of make work jobs around on contracts and because so many staff were let go during pandemic it's taking overtime by remaining staff to fill the gap due to the time delay in training new drivers


mp90 t1_iwps13o wrote


Grass8989 t1_iwpttr3 wrote

The MTA lost 150+ employees to Covid. They need to have conductors to keep the trains running. You have to pay overtime if they work more than 40 hours a week. The civil servants aren’t the problem.


organizim t1_iwqarcg wrote

Remember when Cuomo visits a train yard that was supposed to have a bunch of people working OT and NOONE WAS THERE? They ain’t all bad but there’s a ton of folks getting OT and not showing up.


GettingPhysicl t1_iwpvj0i wrote

Theres gotta be fucking trains that do not need conductors. they run on the same damn track its not a car.


lovemeinthemoment t1_iwq277b wrote

You go first. Let us know.


GettingPhysicl t1_iwsci62 wrote

...are you under some impression that its more dangerous and i wouldnt try it? i use the subway. please, automate my line first if you want i mostly use the 1.


Grass8989 t1_iwpwn0k wrote

Reworking the entire subway system to have conductorless cars would cost probably 100X what they pay the conductors in overtime.


chug84 t1_iwq7nha wrote

So, you'd rather see people lose their jobs instead of the entire agency get audited for corruption and theft?


GettingPhysicl t1_iwq9e4x wrote

id rather both. we don't hire people for its own sake. if you want universal basic income just say that don't hide it behind jobs we do not need.


socialcommentary2000 t1_iwq7l2q wrote

This city still custom fabricates replacement parts for installed equipment who's original fabricators haven't existed for the better part of a century.

If the USA had an actual social contract and wasn't just a loosely associated group of assholes that happen to sit under the same legal system, we'd have modernized our marquee transit system in our Alpha World City ages ago.

Alas, we have shit culture so we get shit results.


73577357 t1_iwq3lgv wrote

You're not going to win any union votes with that kind of attitude.


Understanding_Naive t1_iwpvyh9 wrote

They need something to make sure everything is clear and the train can leave the train station. I think recently a guy was dragged to death because his foot got caught between the train and the platform.


139_LENOX t1_iwqfxcx wrote

Pretty sure the 7 is like that. It's called CBTC.

That said, conductors are not the problem here.


kd10023 t1_iwyyirn wrote

The “tons of conductor and operator overtime” is legitimate … we actually have to out in the hours and actually work during our OT on the NYCT side. You guys are so ignorant I swear. I understand when you think MTA you simply think NYCT because you live in nyc. But the abuse is 90% of the time coming from the LIRR and Metro North. Your bus driver or train operator / train conductor is actually working for whatever OT they are getting paid.

We dont get the double pay , we aren’t even allowed to strike unlike the rail roads. Shit, check seethroughny, the salaries are public info. Top guys are always LIRR and MTA police by a long shot


pegs22 t1_iwpvdao wrote

Hasn’t there been at least two huge bailouts in the last 3 years of the MTA?


dayda t1_iwq9ons wrote

If you want to look over the total budget, it’s very interesting. Subsidies make up very little of operating revenue as it is.


Grass8989 t1_iwqahus wrote

Fare box revenue is a lot higher of a percentage than I thought it was. Imagine if we somehow had a system that made it impossible to jump the turnstile.


picklefluffer t1_iwqntss wrote

There are the large revolving things (not sure what to call them) that only allow one person at a time to enter/exit, however they’re slower and more difficult to use


FlamingoOutrageous15 t1_iwrub0p wrote

All our roads and some of our bridges rely entirely on tax revenue to function. Why is that infrastructure different from supporting the MTA with tax revenue, especially since way more people can be moved with an upgraded train system versus a highway? NYC is also a part of NY State, over half of the states population lives in the NYC metro area, of course there should be state support.


TeamMisha t1_iws5xau wrote

Agreed, it's a public service, it should not "have" to be 100% profitable and yes it should be kept in a good position via state revenue. It is a state agency, it's the governor's and senate's responsibility to keep it in good working order and to hold bad actors (i.e. inefficiency) accountable. Highways purely from a budget perspective lose billions, we toll few of our highways and still have unpaid bridges all around the city. The subway could lose billions too, but without it the city would crumble since you could not move the millions of workers around.


TeamMisha t1_iws6ngm wrote

Just for context, some of you who may say oh who cares, the MTA doesn't deserve more of our money they are so wasteful. You need to realize, if the money is not found, they will NOT fill the gap by economizing. They will cut service. Then, you may not be so happy waiting 20 minutes for your train instead of 10 and ask whether your complaining was worth it. We're really at a pivotal moment, yes ridership is down and some may say well adjust for ridership, that also means service cuts. Do we gimp service and make it even worse and lose even more riders? Or do we accept this is a public service, for the good of the city, and keep it funded and even try to improve it such as better weekend service to make more fare revenue? I do not disagree the MTA needs economizing, but the political and labor union reality is that service will be cut before anything else.


nycdataviz t1_iwtgogn wrote

If adding ten minutes to the wait for a train saves a billion, I say save the billion. Isn’t that the reasonable choice?


TeamMisha t1_iwtgto6 wrote

Gonna have to disagree, maybe you live on a good line but for some of us on the N and R it's already bad and even worse on weekends, I ain't looking forward to potential 30+ minute headways for the N in Astoria on Saturday night lol. The overnight cuts in service could be brutal


b1argg t1_iwsax7v wrote

The MTA is destroying itself


KaiDaiz t1_iwqjtpy wrote

MTA do have a lot of fat that needs trimming. No reason why we are staffing stations with token booth workers and paying them OT for under capacity stations last 2 yrs during a pandemic. Axing that one segment of obsolete job will save MTA 100s of millions that will allow us to build a new 2nd Ave station every few yrs. I rather have new stations vs a token booth worker whos always sleeping on the job that all should have been axe a decade ago.


Grass8989 t1_iwqsqt3 wrote

I don’t think a new second ave subway station is going to be on the top of their of spending list. It cost $2.7 billion per mile for the last segment. Also, these are union jobs, you can’t just fire them.


KaiDaiz t1_iwqto97 wrote

They are useless and we been trying to find use for them and reassign for decades to other jobs. Regarding unions. let the MTA fail and state take over to renegotiate contract with them with aim of cutting these useless jobs

Nearly 200M a yr in payroll for them. That's 1 2nd Ave station every 5 yrs. Or 2 elevators every yr


TeamMisha t1_iws5jtw wrote

There's much to economize yes. Booth attendants and for example newer trains going DOO (driver operated only), one guy who does the driving and doors, but labor unions are too powerful


Bkgrouch t1_iwq9saa wrote

Lots of people not paying the fare I'm talking about people that would never do this before it's insane I wonder what changed? 🤔


Shamrogu3 t1_iws9h3v wrote

They literally say this every year and In turn secure millions more just to raise MTA ticket prices again and again ASSHOLES!!!!


Powerpuffgirlsstan t1_iwt7as8 wrote

Why do we expect public transportation to operate at a profit when roads don’t operate at a profit. Because they’re both public goods, look at the bigger picture folks, if public transportation goes down everything will get shittier


bsanchey t1_iwu9fmx wrote

Anyone cheering this I’ll just remind you the MTA moves millions of people on a daily bases. If that dies they all have to move to cars. Add 5 million more cars to streets and highways. No one will get anywhere.


No_Helicopter_7824 t1_iwuapoj wrote

Can only the MTA manage the subway? What if they did go defunct and a new system was put in place to manage the subway. I'm just curious if that is a possibility?


bsanchey t1_iwucjq2 wrote

The way the MTA was created was because originally each line and the busses and all that were managed by different entities. They were consolidated over time to create one unified transit agency. Theoretically you could break them up and you could have the city take over the subway. Technically NYC owns the tracks the MTA just rents them for nothing. So its possible.

Only questions are how to do that and not cut service. Once people give up on transit it’s hard to get them back.


ADustedEwok t1_iws9z17 wrote

Mta is a public benefit Corp which can’t default on their debts. They can take on as much money and do whatever they want and just keep writing ious


mak1028summet t1_iwsihit wrote

Why would the cops risk their job and lives busting farebeaters when the system does not punish them at all and they are back doing it 3 hours after being arrested.


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jerrythekid t1_iwznp0t wrote

This is the dumbest shit pretending to be smart shit I have ever read on Reddit. MTA destroyed? 🤣🤣🤣 they can just get money from bridges and tunnels who mark up tolls by 1,000 percent by fines. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


TuckHolladay t1_iwq88f0 wrote

There is a ton of money in the city. Rich people are coddled in this country. Tax the rich.
