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birthdaycakefig t1_ixug76h wrote

A couple of lines do when they cross bridges that are not bike friendly/legal.

Part of me, even as a cyclist feels like bikes in public transit shouldn’t be encouraged but bike racks are a great solution since they aren’t inside.

Most cities won’t allow bikes inside subways because they can be annoying when the trains are full but it’s NyC, we can’t really enforce anything anyway. (Except fare jumpers and bikes without bells)


Wowzlul t1_ixvz420 wrote

> Most cities won’t allow bikes inside subways because they can be annoying when the trains are full

Subway rules are that you can't have bicycles on trains at peak. Every other time is fine.

It's really a judgment call, though, you're right.

Edit: I was wrong! Bikes always allowed


birthdaycakefig t1_ixw0ka1 wrote

fyi MTA allows bikes at all times on subways. They suggest you avoid rush hour if you can but it’s not listed as a rule so you wouldn’t really be stopped or ticketed I imagine. It’s in line with your comment but just replying in case it helps someone reading this.


CactusBoyScout t1_ixw17n1 wrote

Do any of the buses that go through the Holland/Lincoln tunnels have them? That would be such an improvement for getting to/from Hoboken/JC by bike.