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Yonder_Zach t1_iv1wrxw wrote

Why on earth do you get to decide who is and isnt a legal asylum case? These people were here legally, processed through border control and awaiting court dates. Thats how this is supposed to work. Youve been so thoroughly manipulated by the far right propaganda you dont even understand whats going on.


Used-Engineering4996 t1_iv29q5p wrote

The vast majority of asylum claims are rejected, over 90%. Not to mention these people aren’t even following the law. You’re supposed to claim asylum in the first country you enter, these people are almost all from South America, meaning they passed through Mexico to get here and never claimed asylum there

These are bullshit claims by people who just want to mooch of the government





Yonder_Zach t1_iv2bbuh wrote

Yeah that totally doesnt sound like someone whos been radicalized by the far right. Definitely.

These people being trafficked by republican governors were processed at the border and given court dates. Just because you dont like it doesnt give you the right to send them anywhere.


Used-Engineering4996 t1_iv2dm1c wrote

I voted for Hillary and Biden. Both of them would have agreed with me on this ten years ago. The reality is the left has been radicalized on this issue, due to overcorrecting. Republicans are absolute idiots who want to end abortion, but that doesn’t mean they’re right that we need to stop illegal immigrants

>given court dates

Just send them back. 90% aren’t going to be admitted. How many even show up to their court dates! We don’t want them here, this is a democracy. Send them back.