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ketzal7 t1_iv1k8dm wrote

The other day some idiot was turning the corner while we had the light on the crosswalk. He almost ran over 2 girls but luckily he was going slow enough that they reacted before he could hit them. We all started yelling at the asshole and all he did was look pissed at us.

So many anti-social drivers out there.


mermaidbuzz t1_iv5o3vw wrote

This happened to me last week with a bunch of other people also crossing! We were already crossing (we had the cross light) and out of nowhere some guy goes to turn into the street. He broke HARD right in front of the group of us. We all yelled at him and he gave us two middle fingers and laughed, mocking that he could have killed us all. Some drivers out there are complete a-holes.


Pristine-Confection3 t1_iv4oomo wrote

Happens nearly everyday . I so often see cars driving on the walk light or refusing to stop at stop signs . So many times I have nearly been hit . Then they get angry if I give them the finger after they nearly hit me .