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PiffityPoffity t1_iv1pws8 wrote

I’d like to add driving the wrong way on one-way streets. I don’t recall seeing that nearly as often a few years ago, but now I regularly see drivers do it to avoid driving an extra block. It’s like a bunch of people collectively decided their convenience overrides traffic law.


PersistentElephant t1_iv23ymq wrote

They started skirting the law during the COVID lockdowns because the roads were largely empty. At that time, you could get away with it.

More and more police forces across the country have adopted do-not-pursue policies over the last couple of years. That means anyone willing to skirt the law and run a red, drive the wrong way in a one way, etc. can just... flee the cops. It's just more law-skirting, after all.


gamelord12 t1_iv1t4ew wrote

I see more U-turns, even though there's a one-way street every other block that makes it much safer and easier to turn around and go the other way.


ctindel t1_iv40jcm wrote

Usually when I see people going the wrong way on a one way street it’s someone on a bike.
