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rick6787 t1_iv2bxys wrote

Except for the fact that they are specifically discriminated against through affirmative action


Liftman88 t1_iv2c1gv wrote

Bull fuckin shit Its because their parents expect them to work hard and hold them accountable. If other people's parents were as strict and taught manners instead of gangbanging they would be successful too.


SnappaDaBagels t1_iv2hmjz wrote

Yes, thank you! My parents never taught me proper gangbang manners, and it's been the root of all my failures


Ahhleksisz t1_iv2c9j3 wrote

Rly tone deaf comment but okay. I guess Reddit is for screaming into the void sometimes. Go off lol


Liftman88 t1_iv2cmjl wrote

It's true though. Im sick of people blaming race and social status on everything.

People of all races can achieve whatever they want. Some have it easier than others because of a million different factors because everyone is different.

If i was born in an Asian household i bet i would he further than i am today


olli_bombastico t1_iv2dk0x wrote

>Im sick of people blaming race and social status on everything.


>If i was born in an Asian household i bet i would he further than i am today

Is this a joke?


Liftman88 t1_iv2ghqh wrote

I didn't blame anybody. Im not a victim because asian parents do a better job at raising smart motivated children


Effective-Dot8617 t1_iv2nyjd wrote

Which is a direct consequence of the social status in which they were part of… the more you know!


Effective-Dot8617 t1_iv2ntfn wrote

You would be amiss to not attribute most success to some combination of social status and discipline (in the US). It sounds like you are ONLY considering discipline…


NetQuarterLatte t1_iv2isdo wrote

Comparing races like that is just despicable and I condemn those statements.

It's either ignorant or disingenuous for this professor to make those claims as if asians-americans weren't systematically targeted, incarcerated in concentration camps, and had their properties seized (federally) a long time after the abolition of slavery and even the Jim Crow era.

I'd say Jennifer Lee being a more recent immigrant from Korea may be just oblivious to that and give her the benefit of the doubt, if it wasn't for a fact that as a professor she should've known the history a lot better.


dma10014 t1_iv2lbc4 wrote

I disagree with the OP, but that is irrelevant, as is the OP since this subreddit is about NYC. Just because Columbia University is in NYC doesn't make their website's content related specifically to NYC.


jl250 t1_iv2rehv wrote

This is completely vile, given what we know about how Asian students are tremendously hurt by current admissions policies. There is a lot for the Asian community to be pissed about right now - may they pay close attention to who is on their side and who is not. Especially horrendous from an NYC-based school, as the evolution of this city is inextricable from its various Asian communities.

My Asian brothers and sisters - in the Latino community we have the mentality of "keep your head down and work harder" (which is what the delivery ppl and taxi drivers in our communities are doing instead of raising hell about crime) - let us not continue that behavior. Y;all should raise hell at Columbia for this bullshit - taking you for granted.


yoshimipinkrobot t1_iv2ix7s wrote

Affirmative action benefits whites the most by far


Otherwise, there'd be way more asians in these schools. Whites benefit from a cap on asian spots. The distraction is that blacks and browns are taking asian spots when there are barely any blacks and browns in these schools anyway. It's something like half of whites, who take up far more spots than black/browns, that get in for some non-academic part of their background.

I bet this Supreme Court finds some way to eliminate affirmative action for blacks and browns while keeping it for whites


drpvn t1_iv2mirm wrote

Citation for these assertions?