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TheTreesMan t1_iy8a320 wrote

"No one asked for a hug because it would have been obscene, an aberration in the therapeutic practice of feeling sad and sorry for yourself in a place that will continue churning at a rapid clip no matter how you, an insignificant speck, happen to feel." Just be kind to one another. This is some writer bullshit.


againblahisnothere t1_iy8da8i wrote

No leave ‘‘em the fuck alone.

I remember the train ride after my dad died. If someone hugged me, I think I’d curse their ass out. Your shitty hug isn’t gonna bring back my dad. I don’t want strangers hugging me.


bustedbuddha t1_iy8b56o wrote

No, leave them the fuck alone, and shut the fuck up, and don't make a thing of it.


PettyAmoeba t1_iy8gkh0 wrote

Sometimes being kind is allowing someone privacy, instead of roping them into an awkward interaction with a stranger when they're already having a bad time.

Don't fuckin hug me, bro.