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pandaclawz t1_ixcmd00 wrote

Corner of Grand and Chrystie, nice! It's lovely to see my old neighborhood in art form :D


onewordpoet OP t1_ixcpaei wrote

That's the spot! I liked the blue tarps and stuff. May have fudged the light a bit


pandaclawz t1_ixd15mf wrote

There used to be all these comic book stands, including one on that very corner that don't exist any more. I really miss them.

Here's a pic of the one that used to be on the corner:


onewordpoet OP t1_ixd59au wrote

That's cool. Reminds me that I want to do some paper stands paintings. Love the vibes of those places


GravitationalConstnt t1_ixd7dy9 wrote

Yup, I used to live at 111 Chrystie! And apparently someone got murdered there this year.


onewordpoet OP t1_ixd97iu wrote

You got a story?