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MrNoMoniker t1_iy1ag0z wrote

To laugher?

Leave it to the post to use the weirdest words for everything. Only place I regularly see the word ‘slay’.


MrNoMoniker t1_iy41a7l wrote

I know what it means, my point is that it is not a common term and it sounds weird. I have never heard a human being use 'laugher' in conversation or in non-print media regarding sports.


Blowout, on the other hand, is a common term.


oreosfly t1_iy47b1s wrote

That’s a valid argument. I was mainly refuting the point that only the Post would use a term like “laugher”… which is clearly not true.

Guess it’s one of those words that people only use in writing and not verbally.


MrNoMoniker t1_iy49w3g wrote

I’m honestly surprised any one else has been using it. The post always has a few weird words in there that make it sound like dialog from a black and white movie from the 40s.

Just came over the wire, the gallant boys in blue slay boomtown rival in grid iron laugher. Read it in the papes over a malted at the five and dime.