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EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ive51rj wrote

so just condemn the delivery classes to road conditions that their moped cannot handle? doesn't matter as long as enough survive to get your Sweetgreen's delivered?


pompcaldor t1_ivejl1z wrote

It’s called using the proper tool for the job.

Next, you’re gonna complain about mopeds not being able to carry a refrigerator.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivem3o6 wrote

that's not applicable at all, what a weird and stupid strawman.

transportation is often the entire fuckin job, not a 'tool'

the fact remains that if NYC only has bridges into Manhattan, and the streets are critically dangerous for mopeds then the mopeds will use the bike lanes.

the solution isn't to force the mopeds into a situation that's clearly immediately lethal because they're annoying. I get that it gives you a justice boner to think of people that annoy you getting killed on their way to work, but the reasonable response would be to work on solutions that take other's sense of self preservation into account


pompcaldor t1_ivenv39 wrote

I’m not gonna drive a U-Haul on the Belt Parkway, and I’m not gonna drive an underpowered moped on a major bridge.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivf5ckw wrote

it's weird that you think this response is relevant - I'm not saying it isn't against the rules, I'm saying that riding a moped in a vehicle lane on the bridge is dangerous, critically so.

a solution involves avoiding people getting hurt not... proof they can be punished by law. forcing moped riders to choose between breaking the law or putting themselves in critical danger sets a bad precedent for how riders follow laws and worsens the scenarios where mopeds endanger others.

also how is a U-Haul or the belt parkway relevant? on what part? it's a major thoroughfare and one of the better roads to drive a truck.


marishtar t1_ivf98wo wrote

Who the fuck is ordering Sweetgreen's from an entirely different borough? Stahp it.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivi16ab wrote

who the fuck doesn't know that delivery drivers in Manhattan don't fucking live in Manhattan


i-keeplosingaccounts t1_iveo0ku wrote

Real New Yorkers know not to order things from a different borough. Problem solved.


Something_Berserker t1_ivf37fs wrote

I think a lot of the delivery guys commute into Manhattan to do deliveries in the city for the day.

Still, no reason to choose a scooter to do the job an e-bike could do, especially if you have no legal way to commute with it.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivf3ebq wrote

'real new yorkers' also sometimes live in the outer boroughs and have to bring their delivery vehicle into Manhattan.

until we're paying delivery drivers enough for them to move to Manhattan, this is a nonstarter


Shreddersaurusrex t1_ivfcnxp wrote

Drivers want the protection of a bike lane but the perks of a 100% motor vehicle.


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_ivi1i29 wrote

it's weird how literally nobody has provided a coherent solution other than 'moped riders can go die in traffic'

what a sad bunch of entitled pieces of shit like you here