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photochic1124 t1_ivg62i9 wrote

I have found ppls important belongs before and tried to move mountains to get it back to them. PSA: do yourself a favor and put your phone number in your wallet/bag/backpack/whatever. Make sure your ID address is current.


allMightyMostHigh t1_ivgcwl2 wrote

once got a guys wallet back to him by calling the business card of a pharmacy he had and asking if he was a regular.


Artistic-Plum1733 t1_ivhdgh8 wrote

Someone called my dentist on an appt card in my wallet and was able to return it w over $800 still in it 😭 I cried throughout the whole dentist appt and he kept having to wipe my tears lol


m_is_for_mesopotamia t1_ivji5ok wrote

Awww hugs. Can only imagine what this feels like.


Artistic-Plum1733 t1_ivjmkp9 wrote

I almost didn’t go to the dentist appt bc I was up all night crying/freaking out about how I was going to pay rent without that money and I looked a mess 😂 so glad I did and forever grateful to the honest young man who picked it up


57dimensions t1_ivgwu2j wrote

The phone number on your bag is a good tip. I have a wristlet/wallet that i take everywhere and my keys are clipped to it on a carabiner. After my dog died last summer I clipped his dog tag with my phone number onto the carabiner as well—two birds with one stone, i can commemorate him and hopefully someone will call me if they find my wallet and keys.