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viksra t1_iy7297e wrote

This thread will no longer be sticked on Thursday. Please leave your thoughts/comments/feedback in this thread about the Weekly Crime Thread trial and whether it should be continued on an ongoing basis or not.


Run-to-the-sun t1_iy9c50j wrote

The stickied thread is a big improvement IMO and should be continued going forward.


SilenceDooDooGood t1_iydnfvv wrote

Crime posts should be moved back to the main. No one even got to vote on this 'experiment' before it was implemented... i.e., it doesn't matter what any of us think, you mods have already made up your minds. I don't even know why you're asking for feedback, frankly.


NetQuarterLatte t1_iy7xris wrote

During the experiment there was not enough clarity on what constitutes a “crime” post (a statement from the mayor about public safety? A news article about a suspect on the loose? A long-form article about a recently solved cold case? A recent traffic violation caught on camera? A violent felony caught on camera? An article about a proposed or past crime related legislation? …)

Because despite claims to the contrary, in practice that often resulted in confusion and disparate mod decisions.

Such lack of clear expectations is also at odds with Rule 2 in


TheNormalAlternative t1_iyalitq wrote

I think the new weekly crime thread is wonderful, and should be expanded.

There are multiple posts every week that are just pictures of obscured license plates. These posts do not encourage new or vibrant discussion, just repeating the same echo chamber comments. And at the end of the day, obscuring a license plate is a crime.

Let's also include articles about legislative and executive actions to combat crime unless they're genuinely newsworthy. A fresh article about Mayor Adams pushing for more involuntary commitments is one thing. Articles repeating stale talking points about cops in the subway or how officials are "ignoring" crime can GTFO.


case-o-nuts t1_iyazhhp wrote

This has massively improved this subreddit. Instead of an incessant set of posts on exactly the same topic there's some variety in the top posts.

I'd really like to thank the mods for putting this thread in place.


elizabeth-cooper t1_iy91lke wrote

Please keep it going. If people want an all-crime-all-the-time sub let them go to r/crimeinNYC.


Grass8989 t1_iy9snmq wrote

Just like we have r/Micromobilitynyc , everyone concerned about issues related to micromobility should only discuss it there. Yet that sub is consistently cross-posted here


TheNormalAlternative t1_iyal64n wrote

I actually whole-heartedly agree.

Just like, in theory, this sub has rules against questions ("Questions go in r/AskNYC, the Monthly Discussion Thread or on r/nyc's Discord") and photos ("Photos of NYC belong in r/nycPICS. Mods will remove photos that are uninteresting, of poor quality or commonly seen compositions. Please use r/nychistory for historic photos, r/nycmaps for maps, r/nycrail for pics of trains or subways and r/FoodNYC for food-related pics. All pics that relate to weather, season, tourist attractions, views, nature, etc. belong in r/nycpics.")

There already is a bike sub, and this sub doesn't need a daily dose of bike lane obstruction pictures. But I feel like this will never happen considering that the Mods don't even strictly enforce the rules against no questions or photos.


Grass8989 t1_iyaln3k wrote

Agreed, it’s a slippery slope and needs to enforced across the board or not at all. There’s clear bias if that’s not how it’s handled.


sneakpeekbot t1_iy91mzx wrote

Here's a sneak peek of /r/CrimeInNYC using the top posts of all time!

#1: [NSFW] Subway Maniac | 979 comments
#2: Life on the Q train | 191 comments
#3: He ended up choking her after I ended the video. It got too real so I shut my phone down. I’ve been to NYC 3 times and 2 times experienced wild shit. | 103 comments

^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out ^^| ^^GitHub


actualtext t1_iy7tlrj wrote

I've enjoyed these weekly crime threads. It feels like the sub isn't getting bombarded by crime stories now. There's a bit more variety in the day to day posts. And I don't have to keep seeing a rehash of the same arguments.


[deleted] t1_iy96101 wrote



drpvn t1_iy9lfx5 wrote

Agree the rule needs to be better articulated but this isn’t it.

> A guideline is, is mainstream, reputable news (e.g. NYT, WSJ, etc) covering it,

Lol if you mean “don’t allow Post stories” just say it.

> and/or is it part of a multi-day news cycle.

So we get posts about the same crime over and over because they keep appearing in the news?


k1lk1 t1_iy9nqyt wrote

So propose a better rule. We can shit on ideas all day. Allow me the chance to poke holes in yours.


drpvn t1_iy9o73a wrote

I’m not sure there should be a rule in the first place.

Edit: I would think the trick is to separate quotidian crime reports that are essentially one-off events from stories that are more significant. So the buckets could be:

>Rule: articles whose main subject matter is the commission of specific crimes should be posted in the crime thread.


>* articles about corruption by public officials.

>* “meta-crime” articles about responses to specific crimes. For example, statements by politicians in response to specific crimes. Or analysis/discussion of crime trends.

>* articles about crimes that are of extraordinary significance to the city as a whole. For example, the attempted subway mass-shooter. Or a story about a terrorist attack or an attempted terrorist attack. This exception would require the judicious use of mod discretion.

>Possibly other exceptions.

One concern is the constant tug of war here between habitual crime-posters and habitual “fuck the police” posters. If posts about crime are banned because they give the impression that the city is a hellhole, it would be a shame if the sub continues to get spammed with stories about alleged police misconduct. This isn’t to say that police misconduct doesn’t happen. But crime happens, too. And allowing anti-police posts while banning crime posts seems like putting a thumb on the scale of an ongoing debate about policing and public safety. But that may be unavoidable if we’re banning crime posts.

Just some off the cuff thoughts.


EdgeOrnery6679 t1_iybj43n wrote

The mods do have a bias for threads that make the city look good. People post stuff like "I got scammed" and "i got harassed on the subway" and the posts get removed, but then you get "I love your city" and the thread stays.


[deleted] t1_iya6fsc wrote



drpvn t1_iya86rx wrote

I would ban all those—Pazienza, Duck Sauce, Michelle Go, Majors—because they were all one-off crimes and weren’t mass attacks. I don’t like the idea of mods deciding that crimes are important because of the race of the attacker or the victim. Too much discretion there and it would yield too many inconsistent results that would undermine confidence that the rule is being applied fairly. One rule for all stories reporting on specific crimes unless there are truly extraordinary circumstances that make it an issue for the whole city.

I don’t like a rule that privileges certain sources over other sources. Too many arguments about what’s reputable and what isn’t.

Those are my views anyway. And I still don’t know if it makes sense to cordon off crime posts in the first place.


Grass8989 t1_iyajmqp wrote

This is probably the most reasonable argument for not banning crime posts.


DisneyLegalTeam t1_iybl9e5 wrote

Keep it. The subreddit is far better overall. It also made it clear that a handful accounts will do nothing but post crime stories, crime comments all day.