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LouisSeize t1_ivlqmfu wrote

Thanks, but no thanks. Some judges are very petty and have been known to take revenge against lawyers for much slighter things.

Today, I saw one name on the ballot for Justice of the Supreme Court of a judge who personally told me he or she does not care what the higher courts have ruled.


elizabeth-cooper t1_ivls4qy wrote

>does not care what the higher courts have ruled.

Kind of depends what they mean by this. Anyway, if they don't rule correctly, doesn't that just give the losing party ammo to put in their appeal?


LouisSeize t1_ivlyieu wrote

What they mean when they say, "I don't care what the Court of Appeals said?"

>Anyway, if they don't rule correctly, doesn't that just give the losing party ammo to put in their appeal?

Do you think judges should deliberately ignore the law and force litigants into the cost and time of an appeal?


Tan-Hat-Man-CPW t1_ivo8lyr wrote

Under the law, yes. But many litigants will never appeal due to either or both of the cost or/and frustration of continuing in the lawsuit.

It is also bizarre for a lawyer to prepare a case within the parameters of the law when the judge does not respect or adhere to the same parameters.