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werdnak84 t1_ivrx8lq wrote

And here we thought New York will always been a Democratic state.


Altinova t1_ivs1z64 wrote

It's only NYC that makes it so.


werdnak84 t1_ivs3bl1 wrote

I'm almost on the idea NYC should be its own state.



.... except Long Island.


darthdope123 t1_ivs4s2z wrote

Why? Pretty much every blue state is blue because of its blue cities, and pretty much every red state is red because there are more rural voters who overpower any blue cities in the state. New Orleans is a blue city in a very red state for example. Should we just split every city from their states? Also Long Island isn’t NYC lmao


smoonyc t1_ivt45tx wrote

We should be - then the rest of NYS will be begging us for all the money we give the rest of you. And LI isn’t part of NYC.