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BlkMysterion t1_ixtz95a wrote

Its people looking around like deers in headlights, Natives know to mind their own business if your not intimidating enough for them to not want you in their business.

I have a inner NYCer timer, i k.o just about every train ride i get a seat. . 33 years rarely have a problem on the train just a bunch of amusing shows for when I'm not sleeping.

Start letting off fear, your more animalistic neighbors will sense prey, same way with seeming gullible and curious.

My family is female dominated 7 to 20, its always the guys with news of they had a problem.


JubeltheBear t1_ixup55u wrote

> Start letting off fear, your more animalistic neighbors will sense prey, same way with seeming gullible and curious.

This reads like something I’d see on a gaudy neck tattoo at a BJJ gym…