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Miser OP t1_ix8ummy wrote

Dude, car crashes happen 300 times per day in NYC. Nobody has to fake them


darkknight915 t1_ix8uw82 wrote

And you’re gonna tel me an advocacy group trying to further bike lanes isn’t going to release the name of the victim?


Miser OP t1_ix8vyxp wrote

For what purpose? What does it matter to you if his name is Sam Brown or Tom Brown? If you want to know the names of car crash victims for some reason Google some. There are like 100k people taken to hospitals every year just in this city. Or just ask your friend and family. I'm sure virtually every here knows someone that's been a victim at some point


darkknight915 t1_ix8wa2r wrote

I don’t believe this story at all, it’s a publicity grab for their stupid cause.


gamelord12 t1_ix8xdww wrote

Improving our transportation infrastructure is a stupid cause?


darkknight915 t1_ix8xo7u wrote

If that’s what this was actually about then it wouldn’t be stupid, it’s about taking up valuable roads for bike lanes which are stupid and useless.


gamelord12 t1_ix8ybri wrote

Taking some space away from cars and giving it to bikes is an improvement to our transportation infrastructre. It makes the roads safer, the air cleaner, the city quieter, it's cheaper to maintain, and it's higher throughput than the same lanes for cars.


darkknight915 t1_ix8ymf0 wrote

Taking space away for cars, with the waste of time congestion pricing hurts me driving into work that’s all I’m concerned with I don’t care about your need to pretend to be lance Armstrong.


gamelord12 t1_ix8zkq5 wrote

Moving more people by bike lanes helps ease car traffic too, so this still helps you if you're in a car. Commuting by bike isn't "pretending to be Lance Armstrong", lol. What absurd hyperbole.


darkknight915 t1_ix909mi wrote

Yea I’m sure that cutting our driving lanes to add bike lanes is going to make traffic lighter. However I don’t believe in fairy tales so, that doesn’t make sense.


gamelord12 t1_ix91b8y wrote

Oh, is this the first time you've ever heard of induced demand? Give it a Google. We've got so much data proving that taking lanes away from cars in favor of things with higher throughput like bus only lanes and bike lanes actually does wonders for reducing traffic. And definitively, the thing that does not fix traffic is adding more lanes for cars.


drpvn t1_ix987yd wrote

We should remove some bike lanes—it will reduce bike traffic!


gamelord12 t1_ix9a1jr wrote

The threshold for how many bikes would have to be on one street to cause what could be considered "traffic" is so much higher than cars that I doubt you've ever seen it in this city. And that, once again, is because bike lanes provide higher throughput.

But at this point, you're just trying to avoid admitting that you were wrong. It's cool; induced demand is a somewhat unintuitive concept at first, but we know it for a fact, and it's why there are advocacy groups for bike lanes, which are for multiple forms of micromobility, by the way; not only bikes.


drpvn t1_ix9a6t9 wrote

I’m just tossing in a gratuitous joke about the reflexive invocation of induced demand.


gamelord12 t1_ix9agbh wrote

Demonstrating your complete lack of understanding, yes.


Miser OP t1_ix9024a wrote

"all I care about is me" is one of those things you're not really supposed to just say, even if it's what you believe. Sociopaths usually learn that they should at least try to feign interest in other people's well being and the greater good


jerseycityfrankie t1_ix90rjf wrote

C’mon he names himself after Batman. Do you expect a mature opinion on any optic from such a clown?


Miser OP t1_ix927ct wrote

Seriously. Why are the rabid people still fighting against bike lanes always so insane now. All the reasonable people have learned that even if you don't ride micromobility of any sort they make streets safer and get some people out of cars, reducing traffic even for drivers, and making the city a lot more pleasant. All that's left is this just slathering idiot type of guy that's proud of being aggressively ignorant


darkknight915 t1_ix90eqv wrote

I truly don’t give a shit about society or the greater good after seeing how disgusting people acted during Covid if you held any belief that didn’t line up with their fear and paranoia.


WWJewMediaConspiracy t1_ixaxa7t wrote

Honestly that's the idea - people driving themselves to work in NYC when it isn't absolutely necessary (eg contractors, delivery people) is a horrible idea and a gigantic handout to the drivers in the form of grossly incorrect pricing on the use of roadways / they should be paying out the ass for doing so.

We have far too much space in the form of parking and car traffic lanes dedicated to low value economic activity. It's getting better, but it's a slow process.


UniWheel t1_ix9atb7 wrote

>Taking some space away from cars and giving it to bikes is an improvement to our transportation infrastructre.

It would be if that worked, but it doesn't.

Notoriously obstructed and dangerously misrouted NYC bike lanes make for a truly terrible cycling experience, because they start from a fundamental misunderstanding of the ways that people making meaningful trips by bike are distinct - and more importantly, are NOT distinct from other road uses.

Also they completely forget that electrified things not only exist, but are often the fastest movement elements of traffic in Manhattan, forced into a layout mis-positioned relative to turning traffic in a way that makes it completely unworkable at even 10 mph.


gamelord12 t1_ix9b2xh wrote

They come in many shapes and sizes, but incrementally, they're trending in the right direction. I'm not sure why the DOT introduces lesser bike lanes as a stopgap instead of doing it right the first time, but their annual updates do acknowledge that an interim lesser bike lane is better than not doing one at all, as it introduces more natural traffic calming.


rainzer t1_ix9m4o8 wrote

> It would be if that worked, but it doesn't.

So because NYC did it wrong initially, your logic is that we should never do it again ever.

Your logic is so pants on head stupid you'd get hit by a parked bus


UniWheel t1_ix9xbf9 wrote

>So because NYC did it wrong initially,

There's no "initially" - they're still doing it wrong.

When you realize that much of the time the fastest moving element of manhattan traffic is the electric delivery "bikes", trying to put them in narrow mis-positioned lanes makes no sense at all - doubly so when those lanes double as the private parking for city employees and the pedestrian congestion overflow.

Especially if you believe as most advocates do that electric is the future, then you have to stop thinking of these smaller than car things as exceptions to traffic, and start working with the reality that their volume already requires being able to use all of the street space for non-car transit.

That requires dropping the pipe dream of segregation and getting back to the world or reality where all road users have to cooperate - a fact that the "bike lanes" fail to remove anyway, since the two modes have to cross paths at intersections regardless, and when the "bikes" are typically moving faster than the cars, you really really, don't want them trying to do that from the wrong lane.


EricWeinsteinsMole t1_ixa09fz wrote

Best not to waste your time debating evangelical Christians or bicycle riders on the internet.