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UniWheel t1_ix9xbf9 wrote

>So because NYC did it wrong initially,

There's no "initially" - they're still doing it wrong.

When you realize that much of the time the fastest moving element of manhattan traffic is the electric delivery "bikes", trying to put them in narrow mis-positioned lanes makes no sense at all - doubly so when those lanes double as the private parking for city employees and the pedestrian congestion overflow.

Especially if you believe as most advocates do that electric is the future, then you have to stop thinking of these smaller than car things as exceptions to traffic, and start working with the reality that their volume already requires being able to use all of the street space for non-car transit.

That requires dropping the pipe dream of segregation and getting back to the world or reality where all road users have to cooperate - a fact that the "bike lanes" fail to remove anyway, since the two modes have to cross paths at intersections regardless, and when the "bikes" are typically moving faster than the cars, you really really, don't want them trying to do that from the wrong lane.