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sanjsrik t1_ivv3wwy wrote

So, a place only tourists and rich folks will use?


Miser OP t1_ivv4k8a wrote

You are aware us normal new yorkers use sidewalks right? Especially the one just outside penn station, the port authority, and the garden. Right?


[deleted] t1_ivv9g7r wrote



Miser OP t1_ivvaeb0 wrote

I can't wait until I can scrape together enough beggin' change to buy me some walking credits


beagle_bathouse t1_ivvb9ay wrote

I can't wait until I'm poor enough to be able to afford a $20,000 car plus gas plus insurance plus maintenance plus parking. Until then I guess my rich ass is walking/biking/taking the subway.



Red__dead t1_ivvj6t7 wrote

>So, a place only tourists and rich folks will use?

Lol, between "only the rich can walk" and "you're just jealous you're to poor to own a car", between "we need fewer bike lanes to reduce traffic" and "my elderly one-legged nan needs to drive to midtown on a weekly basis to move her furniture" - these carbrains are really starting to lose the plot over these positive changes.

Get some fresh air away from sitting in traffic huffing exhaust fumes 3 hours a day, it might do you guys some good.


York_Villain t1_ivw3xkj wrote

lmao. New Yorkers walk, homie. Go to your home in /r/Nebraska


sanjsrik t1_ivw5snx wrote

You mean where you don't have to see any homeless people and can be in Disney?