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Responsible-Try-5228 t1_ivwigxc wrote

Lol Cuomo appointed the judge that threw out NY’s congressional maps, lost the house for the Dems, and has the audacity to say literally anything. Fucking bozo.


IRequirePants t1_ivwuirc wrote

>Lol Cuomo appointed the judge that threw out NY’s congressional maps, lost the house for the Dems, and has the audacity to say literally anything.

If the Democrats were less greedy, they could have snagged an extra seat or two. Instead, you are left trying to defend a map that was gerrymandered to shit and that blatantly violated the NYS constitutional amendment.

Just absurd. No one is forcing you to defend that piece of shit map. For fuck's sake, Nadler's seat had a thin line snaking through Brooklyn. Suozzi's seat was Long Island and a chunk of Westchester. They split up Asian neighborhoods in Queens.


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_ivxgtkw wrote

It sucks that in the South the republican maps were deemed illegal by the district courts and the states ignored the court rulings and used them anyway. To make matters more corrupt it was appealed to the Supreme Court and they just used a technically and sat on their hands. NYs court rightfully did the right thing and threw out the partisan maps. Though the right thing is hard to swallow when one side cheats and it's blessed by the corrupt partisan highest court in the land while the other side follows the rule of law. The fix was in before the first vote was cast.


SiriPsycho100 t1_ivylval wrote

This. You can't unilaterally disarm in this gerrymandering arms race. Unfortunately all that can be done is to push it to the point where both sides realize how ridiculous the system is and reform it or more likely until Dems can reform it at the national level to ban gerrymandering. But to voluntarily not gerrymander while the other side does it is political suicide.


ZincMan t1_ivxmkme wrote

It really really sucks, Some bull shit shifts the course of the nation. It sucks doing the right thing sometimes


IRequirePants t1_ivyf2fm wrote

It does suck. I don't have more to add, your comment covers it.


[deleted] t1_ivya36a wrote

Yeah except how many red states are gerrimandered to hell because republicans control their legislatures? They didn’t just overturn the map they also didn’t return it to the legislature to create a new one that didn’t favor republicans. I guess dems should sit on their hands when they hold power and let all the red states rig the game in republicans favor.


IRequirePants t1_ivyfy8v wrote

>I guess dems should sit on their hands

Maryland, Illinois, Nevada.

In NY, they probably could have gotten away with a less aggressive one.

Edit: Someone asked if they actually would have gotten away with a less aggressive gerrymander.

This is a good question. It's my opinion, obviously, but let me explain my thinking.

  1. Democrats blatantly failed to follow IRC procedures. That counted against them in the final decision. Specifically, there are guidelines on what to do if there is an impasse in the IRC, including deadlines etc. Democrats just jumped straight into forcing a new map through the legislature.

  2. The original court decision basically told them this and said "fix this map by this date, and do it properly" and the Democrats just... ignored the court. The theory is that they thought they could run out the clock and the court would be forced to let them use the map they picked (this happened in Ohio for Republicans, but they didn't blatantly ignore the court). Ignoring the judiciary is also a point against you.

  3. One judge only dissented in part. He basically outlines what Democrats should have done, which is pass their original IRC map. I want to highlight this because the map Democrats presented to the IRC is not what the legislature passed. The judge points out that there were big commonalities between the Republican IRC map and the Democratic one, especially regarding upstate. Some of the blatant gerrymandering was packing upstate votes.

  4. Less specific, but I think if they passed the original IRC map, Republicans would have a more difficult time showing a gerrymander. According to 538, the result is +1 Democratic seats, -2 Republican seats, and while there are some gerrymanders, it is less obvious. In contrast, the Democratic gerrymander is +2 Democratic seats, -3 Republican seats.


Yevon t1_iw0ak00 wrote

> In NY, they probably could have gotten away with a less aggressive one.

Is this true or just feels? A conservative court can strike down anything it wants, as we've seen with the SCOTUS, on a whim so why would they allow a slightly-leaning (D) map when they could also strike it down?


[deleted] t1_ivyhi0j wrote

Yeah I’ll see you those states and raise you Wisconsin and Texas. What’s your point? The republicans are the party of literal voter suppression and not sure how handing over drawing a map to a bunch of conservatives in NYS is “fair” but go off. All the dems need to “learn lessons” now right? But republicans don’t I guess.


IRequirePants t1_ivyi3ls wrote

My point is that they didn't sit on their hands.

>The republicans are the party of literal voter suppression

Turnout in NY was garbage and turnout in Georgia skyrocketed.

>handing over drawing a map to a bunch of conservatives in NYS is “fair” but go off.

Stop breaking the law.


[deleted] t1_ivyif9p wrote

Haha you’re honestly too dumb to argue with. Now you’re going to argue republicans don’t suppress votes? Okay clown. Republicans just elected over 100 candidates who wanted to overturn the election but something about Georgia proves something in your mind.


[deleted] t1_ivyijyy wrote

I love how you people are the first to blame dems for losing but let’s just gloss over the ways the republicans try to suppress democracy and rig the game. You’re not biased at all!!!


_Maxolotl t1_ivz00gt wrote

If the democrats were less naïve, they never would have done redistricting reform in the first place and they would have been able to redistrict Maliotakis out of a career and gerrymander upstate and the hudson valley into permanently safe blue districts.

States with permanent democratic legislative majorities should play as dirty as red states do until congress agrees to nationwide anti-gerrymandering laws or an amendment.

What NY and CA did with non-biased redistricting commissions was unilateral disarmament. So now, on a nationwide scale, the Dems are taking high-minded rhetoric to a knife fight.


IRequirePants t1_ivz53pm wrote

>If the democrats were less naïve, they never would have done redistricting reform in the first place

It was a ballot initiative. Some Democrats and some Republicans pushed for it. Democrats tried to amend it to be more favorable to them but that failed.

They had no real choice. They probably could have gotten away with a slightly more favorable map. But they went so insanely blatant. One party states have issues where they think they can brute force their way through political issues. See Kansas and Kentucky on abortion.


Delaywaves t1_ivxzem7 wrote

> Nadler's seat had a thin line snaking through Brooklyn

His district looked like that even before the recent redistricting. That wasn't even a partisan gerrymander, it was a way of linking Jewish communities on the UWS and Brooklyn.

The Dems' map was plenty greedy, but so were dozens of other maps across the country that the Republicans drew for themselves. Nearly all of those were allowed to stand, yet Cuomo's judges struck down the New York one — it's the asymmetry that's deeply unfair.


KaiDaiz t1_ivyitf9 wrote

If it was linking Jewish communities why tf it included chinatown? Many asians like me saw it and realize it was a attempt to crack and pack the asian votes. Hence why that proposed district did not fly with us. Last I check racial gerrymandering is illegal


IRequirePants t1_ivyfsbd wrote

>His district looked like that even before the recent redistricting

He had a part of Brooklyn but thie change was really bad. Compare the two.

>it was a way of linking Jewish communities on the UWS and Brooklyn.

Two different Jewish communities.


oreosfly t1_ivx0kus wrote

Oh please. The four seats they lost were theirs to lose. These were suburban NYC seats, not seats smack in the middle of Stefanik country. Three were rated by FiveThirtyEight as Democratic leaning and the fourth was a tossup. Zeldin dragged down ballot GOP candidates across the finish line by running up the numbers outside of the five boroughs. Hochul was a weak candidate atop the ticket and it showed with weak performances down the ballot.


IllegibleLedger t1_ivxb4ao wrote

You do get that her running is also on Cuomo right?


oreosfly t1_ivyeh8v wrote

Cuomo is the reason why she is governor but not the reason why she had to run such a weak campaign


lawanddisorder t1_ivyyeit wrote

This is correct. Hochul lost Nassau County by 9 points. Cuomo won Nassau County by 15 points in 2018. A 24-point swing in four years is malpractice.

A -9 point number is a huge number to make up if you're down ballot and it's no surprise that the Democratic House and State Senate nominees (except for the one in the majority-minority district) went down in flames.


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_ivxh2b2 wrote

Both are right Hochul ran a terrible campaign and the fix was in where the red states gerrymandered illegally and used the maps anyway with zero consequences and NY in the end did not use the illegally drawn partisan maps.

The argument being if one side cheats why can't I?


hau5keeping t1_ivxza6n wrote

Dems did try to end the cheating at the Federal level (H.R. 1) but Congressional Republicans didn’t support it. Theres only one side to blame here, and i say that as someone who hates the dems


Enjolras55 t1_ivwtw63 wrote

Yup, had New York still had the redrawn maps, Democrats would be guaranteed to keep the House because it would have led to 7 more Democratic seats.

Cuomo destroyed Democrats' chances of winning the House.


KaiDaiz t1_ivxh2o0 wrote

>would have led to 7 more Democratic seats.

Delusional. Dems would have still lost the seats in their version of the map based on the performance of election.

This was the proposed map dems wanted -

We couldn't hold onto D4 with a 10+D lean in final map and you think we can take SI even with a 7+D lean in proposed? Nonsense. Would argue we would of lost all the germander created districts upstate anyway

Fact is even the final version of the map was still favorable to Dems and they still blew it and more. We lost the House bc of NY and it wasn't redistricting fault.


occasional_cynic t1_ivxym2b wrote

Still had them? Is Reddit celebrating gerrymandering now because their side doing is fine?


Enjolras55 t1_ivy25eu wrote

If Republicans are allowed to keep gerrymandering, it's stupid for Dems to not use it. That's not a fair election system.


occasional_cynic t1_ivy954f wrote

They have been doing it for generations. Have you not seen AOC's district?


Gozillasbday t1_ivya792 wrote

Your comment history is all over New Hampshire, why are you even here?


occasional_cynic t1_ivyga3h wrote

Grew up in Middletown and lived in Brooklyn for a bit after college. Currently reside in NH. Is there a residency requirement where redditors do not have to resort to deflection to avoid admitting things are not black and white?


Gozillasbday t1_ivymtzk wrote

You lived in Nyc for a little after college and left now you're saying nonsense in the sub.


Weaponized_Puddle t1_ivy9hpv wrote

Did you see the maps?? -.-

What does Tottenville and Park Slope have in common?


[deleted] t1_ivyi5xr wrote

So honestly we should sit on our hands in one of the states where we have a super majority in our legislature and “do the right thing” which btw wasnt even done here with the redrawing, because that’s “right?” While we get our asses whipped by republican controlled state legislatures gerrimandering their districts to hell and passing laws to restrict voting by people who don’t vote for them. Sure yes seems reasonable.