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CoxHazardsModel t1_ivybbtz wrote

Why not do it if the other side won’t stop? Just put in trigger laws that end gerrymandering if most states also pass it.


Multi_21_Seb_RBR t1_ivzhtus wrote

Agreed. Unilateral disarmament is a loser strategy and those who support unilateral disarmament in the vein of "let's be fair instead, we can't change those who cheat" is pie-in-the-sky thinking that serves no benefit to actually winning.

Democrats in NY and CA need to shape up when it comes to this.


Lyin-Don t1_ivyp6xm wrote

Because two wrongs don’t make a right. It’s really that simple.

Plus - as shitty as gerrymandering is - that isn’t the (primary) issue with our elections.

It’s turnout.

There are enough Dems in every district to overcome the Republican douchebaggery, but people can’t be bothered to get out and vote.

It’s one fucking day out of 730. There’s no excuses for turnout being as low as it is.

That goes for Republicans, independents, libertarians, etc. In every state.

That’s not to say gerrymandering isn’t ridiculous. Of course it is. But we have the numbers to overcome it. People just can’t be bothered to do their civic duty