Submitted by Rarek t3_yznst5 in nyc

I've put in like five 311 complaints about an abandoned vehicle on my block. I went to the precinct. No resolution. This car has been here for two years. Did some research... interesting finds. This has been going on for at least three years. News to me.

Some of the stories are wild, like people after filing 311 complaints receiving calls and texts harassing them - like one just where someone calls them and is heavily breathing on the line, or texts calling them a rat.

I guess we'll see what happens. Apparently there's a big issue in the heights with this, where people with fake plates are driving pretty carelessly but I'm sure that's happening across the city.



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Plexfused t1_ix1b62t wrote

A guy on my block does this. He has a paper NJ plate in his back window that he has out for the two ASP days. All other times he has a regular NY plate on these long threaded rods so he can easily pull it on and off. He has about $4k of fines on both plates and parks at the hydrant every day, but has never gotten towed.

On one hand I'm pissed he's getting away with it while I drove around for 30 mins trying to find a spot the other day. But at the same time, if he parked legally, there would be one less spot for me.


otisthorpesrevenge t1_ix1cwmu wrote

Yeah, I would be walking by his car at night with a hoodie and face mask on and accidentally dropping nails in front and behind all his tires. Accidents happen.


huebomont t1_ix1dhvp wrote

report him to 311 repeatedly with the details of both plates. it sometimes works.


RolandDeepson t1_ix3kqlq wrote

Include mention of the nypd placard as well.


BxGyrl416 t1_ix3tamd wrote

The one I reported had a (fake?) NYPD placard.


Black6x t1_ix4kpzy wrote

What placard? No placard was mentioned in the comment.


RolandDeepson t1_ix4vnbc wrote

The comment was edited


Black6x t1_ix652mu wrote

No it wasn't. It's not marked as edited, and even if they did a quick edit, that would have to be within 3 minutes of the original comment to not receive an asterisk. Your comment came 20 minutes after their comment.


P0stNutClarity t1_ix1s4gg wrote

Wait. How does he get away with not having registration and inspection in his bottom left window when he leaves the Ny plates on?

I got a neighbor with out of state plates that either removes it or puts in a out of state plate dummy plate when he parks illegally. He’s gotten towed once the last decade. I don’t drive so idc. He’s not unique. All the cops in my neighborhood park illegally with their placards on full display. Hydrants might as well say reserved parking.


noots-to-you t1_ix3uq9a wrote

I wonder if they’d change their tune if there was a fire- and fdny smashed the windows to run the hose through.


BxGyrl416 t1_ix3t7ch wrote

The car I was reporting had no registration or an expired one.


JaimeGordonLannister t1_ix1hq69 wrote

How does this car not get booted? Seems like an easy impound and $$$ for NYPD, either from fees or from selling the car if it isn't claimed


Unable-Ad3852 t1_ix1l6nf wrote

They look the car up and if the KBB is less than 2000$ then they will never tow. They know that no one in their sane mind will ever come pick up a clunker and pay 3000$ to get it.


ctindel t1_ix1yfzs wrote

They don’t need to they can auction it off still


Unable-Ad3852 t1_ix1yn6f wrote

And occupy a spot with a clunker when there's an overabundance of relatively newish Ubers in the city? You do the math.


JaimeGordonLannister t1_ix1zgpf wrote

How can they track the offences for a car with fake/temp plates? Is the VIN visible somewhere on the exterior?


Unable-Ad3852 t1_ix213ct wrote

It's on the driver side encased in the bottom side of the windshield to make it hard to cover. Meter maids press a button and scan the thing when they prefill the tickets. At a minimum it pulls car info like temp registration (dealer license) & insurance. If neither cone up, car shouldn't be in the streets by law.


bfume t1_ix3l4za wrote

they scan the ny registration barcode. the vin isnt scannable, its just raised lettering on an aluminum or steel plate


soyeahiknow t1_ix2syz5 wrote

Do nypd boot or just the sheriff department? There was an abandoned van with boot in a no standing zone in a very very popular roadway. 311 didnt work so i finally had to publicly call the local police station out on Twitter with the mayors office and 1 police plaza tagged. They told me they couldnt get the boot off because it was the sheriff. So it took another week for them to come out and take the boot off. Then 2 more weeks of constant tweeting for them to finally tow the van. Its been there for more than 6 month. You could see the google streetview from april 2022 and the van has been there with a boot.


NotForgetWatsizName t1_ix2l1mx wrote

OTOH, if your place is on fire and a fire engine needs
water from that hydrant, how does NYFD handle that? Do they have a huge saw that cuts two slices and let’s
them remove five feet wide from the car’s middle
near the hydrant?


_JackStraw_ t1_ix3580v wrote

Hose goes through smashed windows on both sides


AndreT_NY t1_ix3s8ip wrote

It’s horrible to think of but if there was a fire the FDNY would take out his windows to run a supply line to the hydrant. Think of that and him coming out and seeing it. That may warm your heart. That said it is horrible because people are affected by a fire.


lickedTators t1_ix5kbn6 wrote

Why don't you just smash his windows? There's no enforcement for that either.


F_T_N_32 t1_ix2418b wrote

Brooklyn cop here. Part of my assignment is dealing with exactly these types of complaints. I respond to these calls daily directly as they come into the system or following up a few days after they are closed. The problem I’m facing is that people are leaving cars parked for extended periods of time with no plate and the vin obstructed. We cannot issue a summons to a car without a vin or a plate so we cannot summons tow it through the department. When I try to have these vehicles towed via rotation tow the tow companies either tell us that the yards are filled to capacity or that they don’t have a tow available (both of these scenarios are likely bullshit but either way they refuse to come out). As for blatantly derelict vehicles sanitation absolutely refuses to tow and dispose of cars. Not sure what has changed on their end but they pretty much just defer the derelict vehicle back to the precinct for rotation tow and rotation tow is not available or refuses to come out. The fake plate issue is out of control. The long story made short for fake plates is that the DA will not prosecute forged/fraudulent instrument cases unless the defendant straight up admits to creating and displaying the plate on his/her car. We went heavy on enforcing them a few years ago and most cops have since stopped due to the risk of lawsuits when the DA inevitably drops the case. I don’t even know what to say about the cops calling complainants and harassing them besides fuck them.


brownoarsman t1_ix25tmx wrote

First, thank you for following up on these.

Second, wow, that's a crazy loophole - obstruct all identifying information (plate, VIN) and you're basically safe as long as no private party tow is available? Bonkers but I guess I understand it.


rightanglerecording t1_ix2bhkz wrote

I appreciate the detailed answer, sincerely.

And I appreciate you trying your best at this, also sincerely.

But man that is just a hugely exploitable situation.

Any thoughts as to why Rotation Tow + Sanitation both refuse to handle it? I know what my best guess is, but I'm hoping there's a less cynical alternative explanation.


F_T_N_32 t1_ix3g2w3 wrote

Rotation tow are private tow companies. They are trying to run a business and the only way that business makes money is if people come and retrieve their towed cars. Abandoned cars and cars with fugazi tags are less likely to get picked up.

I have no idea what’s going on with sanitation lately. Pre-Covid they were great with removing abandoned vehicles. I haven’t seen them remove a single car from my precinct this year.


RolandDeepson t1_ix3lg9b wrote

>the only way that business makes money is if people come and retrieve their towed cars.

False. If the vehicle goes unclaimed, the tow operator exercises a mechanic lien and then owns the car. They sell it to boneyards for parts and scrap.


F_T_N_32 t1_ix3ode0 wrote

True, but they would rather not deal with the time constraints and whatever else goes into that process. They don’t want to come out for a car that’s going to sit in the lot taking up space. We are not allowed to tell them what kind of car they are getting. So from the tow operators point of view they could be getting a 30 year old piece of junk which it likely is if PD is calling.


GeoBk t1_ix2lekf wrote

So basically obey the law and register you car and pay a penalty or forge the plates and you get free parking.


F_T_N_32 t1_ix3g6yo wrote

Don’t forget that all those cars with fraudulent plates are uninsured. So people who obey the law also pay a higher premium in insurance.


GeoBk t1_ix49swd wrote

You can be insured and not have plates. You can’t have plates and be not insured. They don’t insure the license plate they insure the car. Like when I purchased a car out of state I had insurance on it with paper plates and then registered it with DMV through the dealership. In between that time of getting my NY plates I could have had an accident and it would be covered by insurance.


F_T_N_32 t1_ix4chcr wrote

I have never seen a car with forged plates that is insured.


GeoBk t1_ix86d2y wrote

Well now you know and knowing is half the battle.


At1l t1_ix6p6kw wrote

These scofflaws aren’t getting insurance like you did. Guarantee it


GeoBk t1_ix87ojm wrote

Agreed but if you have a nice car they are. The license plate at this point is just a way to get a ticket. Most of the plates are in the trunk. I don’t blame them. The speed camera tickets are bad. Get 4 or 5 and they can impound you. So what’s the benefit of displaying your plates?


At1l t1_ix907wd wrote

Our society is in a broken place where having morals, following the laws, and doing the right thing isn’t always rewarded. When you do the opposite you may not even have to pay for it if you’re caught.


GeoBk t1_ix9ac5q wrote

Dude you said it right. The city isn’t doing shit about quality of life. If you go to 3rd avenue from 20th street up in Brooklyn it’s all RVs parked under the BQE that have been there for months.


wefarrell t1_ix28vd7 wrote

Sounds like shenanigans. What do you think is going on?


F_T_N_32 t1_ix3glpw wrote

Too many organizations/business/conflicting policies dealing with the same problem. Like everything else city government is deferring a massive problem to the NYPD without providing the tools necessary to fix it.


saucehoee t1_ix3gle6 wrote

Wow thank you for this. Our block went pretty hard trying to get the abandoned cars (14 at one point) on our block removed, and they retaliated by sending sanitation to give us all citations from garbage caused by the vehicles not being moved for street sweeping.

I gotta ask…do you have any unethical pro life tips on getting these cars removed? Hahaha (but seriously?)


RolandDeepson t1_ix3m3gg wrote

Yes. Get a decently strong SUV with 4wd, a few chains, and 2 or 3 people who genuinely know what they're doing so they don't literally kill somebody by accident.

Wrap chains around a frame member of the junk car. Securely and sensibly attach the other end of the chains to the SUV (this is NOT necessarily an intuitive process, and if done incorrectly, can severely damage the SUV.) Drag the junker into the street, as cockeyed an angle as possible, to obstruct as many lanes of travel as possible. Once the vehicle obstructs traffic, it'll disappear within 48 hours.

Rinse and repeat.


drecklia t1_ix3r190 wrote

I think at this point those cars should be considered the block's anger venting cars and take a sledge hammer whenever someone needs to vent.


RolandDeepson t1_ix3l9xx wrote

Any comment on the trend of false instrument toll evasion by your brother and sister cops?


kstarkwasp t1_ix44wkf wrote

Lol give them a raise to drive in the expensive city? I dunno what you want him to say payaso conio. Nypd is 5 years workout a contract and can't even fill an academy class with the number of people leaving.


tsgram t1_ix22m12 wrote

I once got a call back from NYPD. The guy was very polite. “Why do you think the plate is fake?” “Because it’s Virginia but been in the neighborhood for a month…. and it’s paper…. and it’s expired…. and the numbers are intentionally obscured.” I thought for sure someone would actually come this time, but na, just changed the status of the 311 complaint and left it.


BxGyrl416 t1_ix3t450 wrote

Was it actually NYPD who called you? I got a very similar call but they had a blocked #, never addressed themselves, and I believe it to today to have been the car owner himself.


CactusBoyScout t1_ix487hq wrote

Some guy in Park Slope called 311 on a cop who was parking his personal pickup truck in a bus stop every single day.

The cop actually got the guy's number from 311 and sent him harassing/threatening voicemails.


BxGyrl416 t1_ix4hhh0 wrote

See, the cop shouldn’t even have access to this information. How is that not a conflict of interest? How can cops be trusted when they’re misusing information to intimidate the public?


tsgram t1_ix3uzju wrote

No way of knowing. Certainly possible it was someone who works for 311 and/or NYPD making the call unofficially


drphilgood t1_ix4tey3 wrote

How would the car owner know your number ?


BxGyrl416 t1_ix5bc0i wrote

Read the entire thread. 311 is giving out the phone numbers of those who make complaints.


F_T_N_32 t1_ix4ay8k wrote

To be fair a lot of the plates people are calling fake are completely valid or were valid in the past. We run the plates through a national database check. So a expired Virginia plate that was issued 4 years ago to a Chevy that is now on a Audi is not fraudulent in the eyes of the law. It’s just an expired plate on a unregistered vehicle. Now if I run a temporary NJ tag and I get a response from the system as “no record found” that would indicate that the tag is likely fraudulent. If It comes back as expired or belonging to another vehicle that’s a violation but not fraudulent. Obscured plates are a parking summons, unless they are obscured with the intention of avoiding a toll. In that case it’s theft of service.


tsgram t1_ix5rk8d wrote

Expired plate and unregistered vehicles are not illegal? I’m confused


F_T_N_32 t1_ix6iyk0 wrote

They are but they are a violation. A fraudulent instrument like a plate, registration, or insurance is potentially a felony. People incorrectly call expired or mismatched plates fake.


akanaan5 t1_ix78sjm wrote

where do they print the paper plates out from, seems like it must be easy


F_T_N_32 t1_ix834zh wrote

Yea, people just make them on a home computer not much to most of them.


Imnottheassman t1_ix7q19n wrote

I think it’s because there is not really an option to report (via 311 anyways) plates as being fraudulently used, whereas there is an option for fake plates.

Separately, thank you so much for your responses. Really clears some things up (as frustrating as that may be).


Carmilla31 t1_ix15ycp wrote

Laws in nyc are just suggestions now.


ParalyzedFire t1_ix17kao wrote

especially traffic stuff. it seems if you aren't being egregious breaking the law, nypd doesn't give a fuck


ctindel t1_ix1yj0e wrote

Turning right on red is a thing again


originalcondition t1_ix243pn wrote

I learned this in a super terrifying way while riding my bike home from work on the late side. Fuckin yikes. Just assume every car is willing to run reds and cannot see you.


Thetallguy1 t1_ix24w31 wrote

I moved here from a state where its legal and thought the no right on red thing was so stupid.... until I actually arrived in Manhattan and realized everyone has a e-bike that goes damn near as fast as a moped


NinjaCaviar t1_ix37a64 wrote

>a state where it is legal

Actually NYC is the only place in the nation where it is default illegal without signage. Everywhere else in the US it is legal to turn right on red unless prohibited by a sign or traffic signals.


ctindel t1_ix3g9e2 wrote

We also have a culture of pedestrians walking on red even when cars are coming through across the street.


BrieGoneThot t1_ix528jv wrote

I almost got hit by a car the blew a red from a dead stop. Just gunned it into the intersection half way through the red. Insanity.


CactusBoyScout t1_ix49cbw wrote

I basically stopped driving in the city around the start of the pandemic. I had to do it again recently to move some furniture and I was really shocked at how much worse driving norms have gotten.

People driving on the shoulder of the BQE way more, obscured plates, casually running red lights, flashing brights at me for not running a red, etc. Truly feels lawless to a new degree.


bangbangthreehunna t1_ix327fd wrote

Voting has consequences.


k1lk1 t1_ix3fce5 wrote

Stipulated. Who do I vote for to get NYPD to take vehicle related infractions, fake plates, and toll cheating seriously? Actual question.


BiblioPhil t1_ix9k60d wrote

Good point, let's all agree to vote for the person most adamant about police accountability.


1600hazenstreet t1_ix1bcda wrote

Cause they negatively affect the poor and poc.


huebomont t1_ix1ddur wrote

yeah the nypd is such a sensitive and woke organization that they’re not doing their jobs out of concern for the poor and POC lol


Marlsfarp t1_ix1ufjk wrote

So true, the poor love getting run over by cars


bfume t1_ix1p9oh wrote

i’ve submitted a few dozen reports (UWS, 80’s) in the last 18 months—mostly for placard abuse or expired paper plates and (literally) more than half were closed with “we investigated and there was nothing to do” within minutes of hitting submit. zero chance anyone did anything except click “close”.

it’s plackard abuse it’s nypd looking out for personal cop vehicles it’s paper plate cockiness it’s increasingly construction overstepping their permit limits* it’s construction jobs reserving spots for workers via fake “no parking” crap

I submit my reports with my google voice number and a throwaway email. I’ve heard too many stories about crank calls and threatening contact to be that stupid.

the feeling of helplessness is real.

*NYCDOT actually took the time to write a real signed letter to say “we really want to help, but enforcement belongs to the nypd”. NYPD spit on the ground and said “bullshit. NYCDOT’s problem”. yeah.


BxGyrl416 t1_ix3v90k wrote

This happened to me multiple times. I do believe that a lot of these “abandoned cars” belong to police officers or family or friends of officers. The excuses they gave were just like this and they were closed within minutes to an hour or two. You can’t get a cop to respond to a 911 call in that amount of time, so obviously something fishy was going on.


the_letharg1c t1_ix3wr36 wrote

Are you adjacent to the precinct on 82 by chance? The cops seems like they (ab)use those streets pretty much how they see fit with no regard for the public.


_Maxolotl t1_ix27ys4 wrote

If it's got plates, it's NYPD's problem. If it's got no plates, it's Sanitation's problem.

Sanitation acts slowly. NYPD acts never.

So if nobody's responding to your 311 complaints, change the car so as to make it Sanitation's problem.


supremeMilo t1_ix4a8li wrote

Yet I got a ticket for expired registration on my brand new car....


grandzu t1_ix19e01 wrote

All 311 complaint NYPD has to handle automatically die a quick death.


1600hazenstreet t1_ix1bhxl wrote

Deblasio killed 311.


[deleted] t1_ix179n2 wrote

Just rip their plates off and throw them in the garbage.


Rarek OP t1_ix17qwn wrote

The plates are inside the vehicle.


[deleted] t1_ix19hnk wrote

So smash the window then.


ukudancer t1_ix1x21f wrote

I kinda wish I had a spring loaded window punch just for these situations.


mrrager20 t1_ix2g7z8 wrote

Lol so committing a crime and harm to personal property is the way to go?


[deleted] t1_ix2kwgv wrote

Yeah if cops won't enforce the laws then why not? Vigilantism is better than anarchism.


OutrageousGarbage743 t1_ix2thw0 wrote

DAMN RIGHT, start keying and slashing tires now in 2023


mrrager20 t1_ix3m6l0 wrote

It’s funny how entitled you people are, I have a legit paper tag on my car since I just bought it and someone keyed my brand new car for no reason, luckily it was caught on camera and they were handled but y’all are playing with fire.


dyrbrdyrbr t1_ix1oxqf wrote

We should be really clear about what this is: it’s corruption. The law isn’t being applied evenly, and we know in particular that members of the NYPD pull this shit all the time.


bklynzboy t1_ix1yoeg wrote

Those are the cars that car thieves should target. What the driver gonna do? Call the cops?


Baconlawlz t1_ix2x114 wrote

Those cars are the thieves, dude. They're not gonna steal thier own vehicles lol


bklynzboy t1_ix50zo4 wrote

I work in a parking garage. You'd be surprised how many of these cars belong to military people and cops/corrections.


Adventurous_Fly_6314 t1_ix1ct6g wrote

I called 311 on a car parked at a hydrant over night. Not only did they ticket it, they sent me a receipt that it was done.


stealthnyc t1_ix1q4gu wrote

I don’t ticket is an issue. Problem is the paper plate are fake and whoever owns the car doesn’t care


ctindel t1_ix1ymv6 wrote

As long as there’s a ticket a tow truck will remove it


halalguy t1_ix1v9gp wrote

Why do you care if someone’s parked at a hydrant overnight lmao


NotForgetWatsizName t1_ix2nxzy wrote

I’d guess that he want the NYFD to be able to quickly put out
a fire if it’s about to engulf his home.


RolandDeepson t1_ix3n1vk wrote

What a fuckin dick thing to say.


halalguy t1_ix6fhre wrote

How. It’s a dick move to call and get them ticketed. There’s obviously a reason someone’s parking at the hydrant risking a 150 dollar ticket instead of a legal spot, they’re not doing it for fun. If it’s ur driveway it’s a different story, but it’s a dickhead move to call 311 for someone parked at the hydrant


RolandDeepson t1_ix8e738 wrote

If I'm inside the building, then it is most certainly "my" hydrant that they're parked in front of. The person deserves a ticket -- that even you admit the person is "RiSkiNG" -- and anyone calling to tattle on them deserves a fistbump.

Anyone defending them is a dick.

I said what I fuckin said.


JackmPearson t1_ix2cdjp wrote

Throw a rock through the window let nature do the rest


paulschreiber t1_ix2jfmm wrote

  • Bug your councilmember
  • File a DSNY abandoned vehicle complaint
  • Bug your NCOs

edtheoddfish t1_ix3ic6n wrote

Literally wrote to two NCOs with an excel spreadsheet of 20 SRs from a truck who parks on the sidewalk with a placard. Their response was to get more info on the placard, ignoring the fact the truck was on the sidewalk. These people are insane.


paulschreiber t1_ix4h2vi wrote

Ugh. Bug their Sergeant, and then the CO for the precinct. They have a community council meeting once a month — you could make stink there.

You could also write the CBS reporter Jenna DeAngelis who did a story on paper plates: Maybe convince her to do a followup?

And/or write the officers mentioned in the story (

  • Deputy Inspector Conor Wynne
  • Officer Steven Abrams
  • Officer Michael Fokianos

Miser t1_ix1okp9 wrote

Yeah. We've been raising awareness about this for literally years. r/MicromobilityNYC. Glad everyone's starting to really get upset about it


Bralesslover t1_ix210mt wrote

You need to write an anonymous letter to the local precinct. Make it sound urgent 🚨 I. e car might have been used in the commission of a crime.

Only way the city will care.


BxGyrl416 t1_ix3vhrh wrote

This is exactly what I suspected happened to many of these cars and even suggested just that, and it did nothing.


brownturtle35 t1_ix25b1o wrote

adams and nypd are allergic to working


cellphon0 t1_ix26vsw wrote

I live in the Heights, and there is a dude on my block who always parks in the crosswalk or in front of a hydrant.

He literally has no license plates on his car. No visible VIN. I’ve never seen a ticket on his car.

Not a total clunker either, like a ~10 year old Saab.


soyeahiknow t1_ix2tg3r wrote

You have to rock the boat on twitter. Some asshat parked their van in front of a no standing zone and just left. I think it was stolen. Anyways, finally went on twitter and tagged the mayors office, the local nypd station, and the council person for that area. At least i finally got a response than just a closed out 311 complaint.


BxGyrl416 t1_ix3sw5r wrote

This was exactly my experience. I got really weird calls from somebody who I thought was an NYPD traffic agent, but after reading this, can almost confirm is not. Who is 311 giving our personal information to?


tzvifiller t1_ix1x40o wrote

The vehicles will be towed when the city decides to repave the street, they’ll be forced to tow it to another street. Until then, I’m sorry.

I once got a minibus with no plates towed after submitting a complaint on a abandoned vehicle, it was parked on a corner making the right turn difficult. Saw a few days later it had a ticket, then it was gone. Either towed or the owner realized someone didn’t like it there. But this was a while ago.


Baconlawlz t1_ix2xsr6 wrote

There should be a subreddit of people posting pictures of the particular vehicles and their locations so as to catalog the overwhelming issue around the city. It can be used as proof that the city isn't doing anything.

I am NOT* suggesting anyone do anything nefarious with this information, simply a catalog of the city's incompetence so as to light a fire under someone's unproductive ass.

*I don't care.


bfume t1_ix3m8g0 wrote

@placardabuse does this. Proficiently. Zero impact other than increased harassment from “enforcers” in NYPD traffic.


Highplowp t1_ix3n65c wrote

I’ve dealt with this and had some success. So the car needs 2 summons before you can have it towed. I’d use the 311 app and call right when alternate side parking goes into effect and they can ticket the car. Take pics and everything for the 311 complaint- I used the app. After 2 tickets it’s now on YOU to have the car towed, the PD allegedly doesn’t tow cars and your local politicians can’t do anything to help. I found a tow truck driver that will take cars by asking at a local auto shop for a recommendation. Lots of tow truck drivers won’t even tow the cars. Now you have to hound the tow truck driver. I had my driveway blocked for like 10 days by an abandoned car. I also bought a huge floor jack to just move a car if it happens again. Allegedly the police will move a car if it is in the street abandoned (not in a parking space). So that’s an option as well if all else fails. We are basically on our own with the abandoned cars, at least in Brooklyn.


ji99lypu44 t1_ix1vf0g wrote

311 closes my complaints request saying they took care of it when they dont.


Affectionate-Unit96 t1_ix1rw26 wrote

You don't want to be that person driving with paper plates tho lmao


Childrenoftheflorist t1_ix1yhd9 wrote

Why not they're most likely saving money on insurance and tolls, while everyone else does the right thing.


Cyril_Clunge t1_ixbokga wrote

Honestly, with the shit people do and get away with, it has me thinking “why am I the schmuck that’s taking my time and spending money to do things properly?”


Childrenoftheflorist t1_ixdjwzx wrote

It's like my mom used to tell me, "if you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have ANY luck". My luck I'd get caught and crucified off the bat lol.


bklynzboy t1_ix1ykr4 wrote

Do what I do. Start ripping the paper plates off... Let then drive and park without any kind of plates


mrrager20 t1_ix2gfiy wrote

Bet you do it when no ones around lol. Try that when the owner is in or by their vehicle.


justalamename t1_ix4bbmu wrote

No one is holding agencies accountable. It starts from the top of the City government.


mikere t1_ix1gj2u wrote

key the cars and smash the windows. technically abandoned property. just be ready to get in a fight or run if the owner happens to be near


firstWWfantasyleague t1_ix29jk9 wrote

Absolutely this. Abandoned cars, cars with obscured/fake/paper plates, etc are hazards and/or potential unaccountable hit and run incidents. Those cars need to be disabled.


dayda t1_ix3u4k4 wrote

At this point the only thing actually stopping me from obscuring my own plate is that I support the MTA. Social collateral. There is no actual reason not to. There is no enforcement.


DanimalPlanet2 t1_ix4h2yb wrote

As someone who bikes in the city, it seems like you can pretty much park wherever you want in general lol. In some places the bike lane is 90% parked cars, and seeing as it's cop cars half the time I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they don't give a shit either


bobbywaz t1_ix4hp6n wrote

The companies with one Star reviews who tow cars are often the companies that don't give a fuck?.


Fantastic-Bug-2304 t1_ix5mu43 wrote

Been saying this for years everyone rocking fake plates and the people with real plates get bent over


xyzd95 t1_ix7ppys wrote

I think I read the other day someone got a vehicle towed by having it obstruct traffic.

If there’s enough space between cars one of your neighbors could tow it out to the middle of the street. The city will be more than likely to clear up one of its streets then


RevWaldo t1_ix84vah wrote

Wonder if Kars4Kids would take it? Or a scrap metal dealer?

(No, seriously, would they?)


ScenicART t1_ix9ft1p wrote

people in the heights drive lawlessly paperplates or not. theres no enforcement from the NYPD at all


ReadItUser42069365 t1_ixbk28h wrote

It took me a year and finally idk if my daily 311 and local precinct calls or local legislators I reached out too helped. Finally gone


jae34 t1_ix2o1cq wrote

Since they are committing a crime then they have no viable reason to report any wrong doings applied to their vehicle so pretty easy decision here.


_neutral_person t1_ix4qwut wrote

In 2019 there was a used car dealership that was parking their car on the block for weeks, sometimes a few inches over the driveway so you could not properly pull in or out.

I unscrewed the fake plates, threw them in the trash, and called 311 about an abandoned car. It was gone by the end of the week.


[deleted] t1_ix1nbau wrote

Nyc live or die by it


D14DFF0B t1_ix254u0 wrote

Ban cars


Cascando-5273 t1_ix13f9d wrote

I usually buy paper plates at my local supermarket.

The horror stories are either urban legends or signs that somebody was dumb enough to screw with their neighborhood gangsters or the neighborhood boys in blue -- usually the same people. As far as I'm concerned, anybody that dumb has no business living in New York, and would do better to move back to small-town Minnesota.


[deleted] t1_ix177ml wrote

As far as I'm concerned anyone as dumb as you should be shipped out of the city.


huebomont t1_ix1dkh6 wrote

hope someone lets all the air out of your tires


Cascando-5273 t1_ix1kv3p wrote

I don't own a car. Or a bike. You'd have to settle for punching my lights out, I guess. You ok with that? You can even tie me to chair first, if that helps.


huebomont t1_ix1q36k wrote

nah, i'm gonna let the air out of your tires, even if i have to buy you tires first.