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Carmilla31 t1_ix15ycp wrote

Laws in nyc are just suggestions now.


ParalyzedFire t1_ix17kao wrote

especially traffic stuff. it seems if you aren't being egregious breaking the law, nypd doesn't give a fuck


ctindel t1_ix1yj0e wrote

Turning right on red is a thing again


originalcondition t1_ix243pn wrote

I learned this in a super terrifying way while riding my bike home from work on the late side. Fuckin yikes. Just assume every car is willing to run reds and cannot see you.


Thetallguy1 t1_ix24w31 wrote

I moved here from a state where its legal and thought the no right on red thing was so stupid.... until I actually arrived in Manhattan and realized everyone has a e-bike that goes damn near as fast as a moped


NinjaCaviar t1_ix37a64 wrote

>a state where it is legal

Actually NYC is the only place in the nation where it is default illegal without signage. Everywhere else in the US it is legal to turn right on red unless prohibited by a sign or traffic signals.


ctindel t1_ix3g9e2 wrote

We also have a culture of pedestrians walking on red even when cars are coming through across the street.


BrieGoneThot t1_ix528jv wrote

I almost got hit by a car the blew a red from a dead stop. Just gunned it into the intersection half way through the red. Insanity.


CactusBoyScout t1_ix49cbw wrote

I basically stopped driving in the city around the start of the pandemic. I had to do it again recently to move some furniture and I was really shocked at how much worse driving norms have gotten.

People driving on the shoulder of the BQE way more, obscured plates, casually running red lights, flashing brights at me for not running a red, etc. Truly feels lawless to a new degree.


bangbangthreehunna t1_ix327fd wrote

Voting has consequences.


k1lk1 t1_ix3fce5 wrote

Stipulated. Who do I vote for to get NYPD to take vehicle related infractions, fake plates, and toll cheating seriously? Actual question.


BiblioPhil t1_ix9k60d wrote

Good point, let's all agree to vote for the person most adamant about police accountability.


1600hazenstreet t1_ix1bcda wrote

Cause they negatively affect the poor and poc.


huebomont t1_ix1ddur wrote

yeah the nypd is such a sensitive and woke organization that they’re not doing their jobs out of concern for the poor and POC lol


Marlsfarp t1_ix1ufjk wrote

So true, the poor love getting run over by cars