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[deleted] t1_iwqetsw wrote

How often do you see yellow cabs outside of manhattan to begin with? Even if I wanted to take yellow cabs I wouldn’t be able too. I see your tag say Harlem. I’m going to guess you don’t have much experience outside of manhattan with yellow cabs. Because believe it or not people live outside Manhattan I know shocker.

I’ll gladly pay a bit more if it means not having to deal with refused rides, or being hassled over my method of payment or feeding the meter purposely and on top of asking for 20% tip.

And tbh Uber/Lyft has not been anymore expensive than yellow cabs in my experience.


sagenumen t1_iwqgodq wrote

I travel to Brooklyn and Queens often for shows. I don't disagree that yellow cabs are pretty much gone in those areas, which is a shame. I've had $150 Uber rides back to Harlem, which is utterly ludicrous.

I do Chelsea to Harlem very often at the 3/4am mark. Cabs are always ~$25+tip. Uber/Lyft are routinely $45+.


[deleted] t1_iwqh4be wrote

Just Uber yesterday night from Washington Sq Prk to Hudson yard for $16. Not sure Yellow taxis would’ve been any cheaper.


sagenumen t1_iwqres5 wrote

Perhaps not. Timing is key. My Chelsea/Harlem experience is pretty consistent.


muu411 t1_iwqp30m wrote

Even in Manhattan it’s far less efficient. If I’m taking Uber/Lyft, it’s usually because I’m trying to get somewhere as quickly as possible and at a specific time, or because I’m feeling too lazy to use the train and just want a comfortable ride.

So my options are, 1) Call Uber/Lyft, be picked up right outside my apartment/bar I’m leaving, know exactly how much I am going to pay, have a clear idea on arrival time, have the ability to track the route so I know it’s legit, and (for the most part) have the option to go for a quiet and comfortable ride. Or 2) I walk outside and roll the dice trying to flag down a cab which may or may not be there/already be occupied, just hope the price isn’t outrageous, have little insight into ETA or ability to push back if the driver takes a bad route, and be forced to watch whatever they insist on playing on the TV they shove in your face.

Not to mention that if there are issues, it’s far easier to dispute payments on Uber/Lyft than it is with a yellow cab.

Uber/Lyft are scummy companies, but people really need to stop blaming them for the downfall of yellow cabs, without recognizing the plight of yellow cabs was largely self inflicted. They provided a shitty service for decades, and became a prime target for displacement as soon as someone figured out a way to compete. While it’s great these guys are getting a more liveable wage, they really need to fix a lot of these issues or they’ll eventually end up with no job at all.


TonyzTone t1_iwr02r6 wrote

It's almost worse seeing a cab in the outer boroughs because you just know they won't have any interest in taking you anywhere else. They're there either against their will, or beginning/ending their shift.

Good luck trying to get a cab from Williamsburg to go to Bed-Stuy.