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Red__dead t1_ivzc67u wrote

If there's anything that signifies low IQ and deep insecurity, it's these ridiculous pick-up trucks driving around Manhattan.


kimbolll t1_iw0mphy wrote

Could you be any more pretentious?


Bring_dem t1_iw18gz5 wrote

Should have italicized the “be” for that Chandler Bing effect.


kultigsptrizigfrisch t1_iw0b4n8 wrote

Or, you know, someone may actually need that car to be a pickup car?


hannibalbaracka t1_iw0egsb wrote

Only 35% of truck owners use their truck to tow something more than once a year. My bet is that this is even lower when it comes to people in NYC. The odds are highly unlikely that this person actually needs this.


gcoba218 t1_iw0qarp wrote

Source on that statistic? Does that apply nationwide or in NYC specifically? I would guess that statistic is not valid for NYC. If this is indeed a construction worker or something (which it is more likely than not in NYC), how silly do you feel for shitting on someone for what they drive and judging a book by it’s cover? I thought being kind and open minded is a virtue here?


hannibalbaracka t1_iw0qj9l wrote

I mean, in this case the person is literally parked int the sidewalk, which is unacceptable no matter whether you really need a pickup truck or not.

Só i feel totally okay for shitting on them


gcoba218 t1_iw0wreo wrote

That is just an excuse for your previous statement and bringing negative judgment on people that you do not know


hannibalbaracka t1_iw12v5h wrote

Yes, I negatively judge criminals


kimbolll t1_iw1hcq7 wrote

Thank the lord for hannibalbaracka addressing the crime in this city! /s


nexert233 t1_iwrl489 wrote

I was reviewing some of my comments from the last week and noticed that I got downvoted for my comment saying that this was a dumb move for painting like they did. Anyway, gcoba218, I like your response here. It's crazy how many people started getting downvoted on this thread.


PonticPilot t1_iw53n75 wrote

Found this:

> According to Edwards’ data, 75 percent of truck owners use their truck for towing one time a year or less (meaning, never). Nearly 70 percent of truck owners go off-road one time a year or less. And a full 35 percent of truck owners use their truck for hauling—putting something in the bed, its ostensible raison d’être—once a year or less.


thumpas t1_iw104ej wrote

Honest question, why is towing the metric not using the bed?


kultigsptrizigfrisch t1_iw0fsxs wrote

My point is that NYC is overall more pragmatic when it comes to cars, since the subway is almost universally more convenient. So I’d argue that chances someone actually owns a pickup cause the need it over just wanting showing off is higher in the city. Not saying it’s 100%.


hannibalbaracka t1_iw0g01d wrote

I actually kinda think the opposite. NYC has an almost universally convenient subway option, and yet almost 50% of NYers still have cars. Clearly there are many people who don't need cars but they use them anyway.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_iw0q8sl wrote

“Universally” = still over 50% of the city land mass is a hell of a long walk from any station while the city focus on 2nd Ave so rich people have choices on which line.


hannibalbaracka t1_iw0qtge wrote

Land mass seems a weird statistic to use here, why wouldn’t you use population?


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_iw0rxyx wrote

Because it’s intentionally created inequality that some areas can only be inhabited by people with cars, and others only with people who mass transit.

Then people like you fake outrage to disguise disgust when these two populations interact in any way.

Same outrage when someone uses a car to leave the city for the weekend vs sticking to transit accessible locations.

No need to mask what’s really going on here. Segregation exists, and anytime someone crosses those norms, some on this subreddit go nuts.


hannibalbaracka t1_iw0shw0 wrote

Okay, but it doesn’t matter if 50% of the land mass is far from transit if only 25% of people like there. The actual solution you care about is giving those 25% better access, not land that has no people access


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_iw0v6ac wrote

You’re right. Let’s just ignore the whole segregation in 2022 thing because it makes you look like an asshole.

It also substantially contributes to the lack of housing.

So now you look like an asshole 2X over for doubling down on your shitty take.


hannibalbaracka t1_iw0y7sh wrote

? I agree that combatting subway deserts and increasing access is important! I just think we should judge access based on population and not land mass


kultigsptrizigfrisch t1_iw0g8xu wrote

Well, that’s also true. This will probably remain an unsolved douche mystery, then.


beer_nyc t1_iw57dav wrote

> NYC has an almost universally convenient subway option

this just isn't the case for plenty of people with cars, which is why they choose to own cars


_hello_____ t1_iw0s0n1 wrote

Hey hey hey we don’t like to think of drivers as people in this sub. How dare you make sense!


Warpedme t1_iw0qa8t wrote

I never use my pickup for towing but I sure as shit use it to carry building supplies on the roof rack, a couple rolling toolboxes in the bed and whatever large job site tools I need for that day in the bed.

With that said. I unload at a building for the day and then go pay a garage to guard my pickup because it cost more than most high end luxury cars and absolutely sucks to park anywhere in the borroughs.

I disagree with your assumption that more pickup owners in NYC don't use their truck for work and would actively argue it's the opposite. Most vehicle owners in NYC tend to own smaller vehicles that are MUCH easier park. It's extremely uncommon to see a pickup in NYC without a rack on top for ladders and stuff. It's actually why they stand out so much


RIPAdmiralAkbar t1_iw0x94h wrote

Geez how much was the truck?


Warpedme t1_iw0y0vb wrote

96k new before I added the $7k roof rack, ~$500 work lights and ~$500 cameras (so I can see both sides and back even when it's fully loaded and have video evidence in case of theft). It's very much a work truck registered to and paid for by my business.


kimbolll t1_iw1hspr wrote

What’s your issue with pick up trucks? It’s a car, and a practical one at that. This sub acts like pick up trucks are military vehicles, or something.


876General t1_iw0su6l wrote

You just did a bunch of bs math to fit your opinion
