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redditorium t1_iwa04x4 wrote

>My card and online banking

I understand the card but why online banking?


90sAltRockLover OP t1_iwaqi6m wrote

Because when I called my bank, they said that it was an Apple Pay transaction at a specific time. Even though I hadn’t used ApplePay that day


redditorium t1_iwashnc wrote

Was it a debit or credit card?

This can be such a pain in the ass, especially if you have a lot of other payments connected to the card.


90sAltRockLover OP t1_iwat3gy wrote

Debit. Oh, It has been. I was wondering why my card had declined when I was trying to pay a bill, and then decided to review my transactions.


redditorium t1_iwayfq0 wrote

> Debit

Yeah in general never use a debit card for any reason except to withdraw cash. Use a credit card to pay for things instead.


Wiscodoggo5494 t1_iwbbajk wrote

Agree. Always link your Apple Pay to a credit card. If you link it to your debit card you will have no way of getting your money back. Only use debit card to get cash at an ATM… it’s very dangerous and you can did have your bank account drained. A credit card would have allowed you to deny the charges. I’d suggest unlinking your debit card from Apple Pay for all transactions.