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etchasketch4u t1_iwsk2t6 wrote

I just served on a jury and once it was over the judge talked privately with the jury and went out of his way to say how bad rikers is right now. He said they are extremely understaffed and that there was obvious corruption at all levels. Our defendant was late to trial everyday because there just aren't enough people. He


DoritosDewItRight t1_iwsyrg3 wrote

Rikers is extremely well staffed, we spend $600,000 per inmate per year. The problem is that NYC Corrections employees are openly corrupt, and often refuse to do their jobs or show up for work


SillyDig1520 t1_iwt9z8z wrote

Source for $600k per prisoner, please? At that rate you could hire a guard for each inmate and still have >$500k/yr to steal utilize.

nb: NYPost does not count as a source.

edit: many sources confirm op's statement. It indeed costs upwards of $500k per inmate per year... Fucking. Insane.

final edit: this was an interesting read:


Rottimer t1_iwuzu71 wrote

If you hire a guard for each inmate, but they have unlimited paid sick days and do not have to provide a doctors note if they’ve been all week sick, and all week 2 weeks ago, and all week 4 weeks ago. . . You’re not ever going to actually have a guard for each inmate.

You’ll be paying for it, but not actually getting it.


09-24-11 t1_iwud14u wrote

Now think of all the people who want to lock up the mentally ill and are willing to spend $500,000 a year because some guy is yelling on the street.


SillyDig1520 t1_iwuj1fk wrote

It would be great if we could spend that on real issues without incarceration. But we don't live in a rational world, and no one would profit from treating MH issues. Ergo, lock em up to pad someone's pocket until we figure out how to make a very corrupt MH system.

Note: wrote this sitting on the A and the front of this car is empty save for one homeless person sleeping.


Rottimer t1_iwuzgxn wrote

If they refuse to show up for work then it’s not well staffed. You can complain about how much we’re paying for correction officers to take literally dozens of paid sick days per year. But you can’t say it’s also “well staffed.”


Grass8989 t1_iwt8iv1 wrote

Do you work on Rikers? Do you know what actually goes on there or what it’s like working there?


SillyDig1520 t1_iwtaacv wrote

No, but my friend does. He says he makes more money smuggling contraband than from salary.

In all seriousness, it's hell on earth for almost everyone involved.


Grass8989 t1_iwtankz wrote

Cool, then lets fire all COs who are 85% PoC and 40% women because some WFHers from Reddit said rikers isn’t a nice place.


4zem t1_iwud119 wrote

Unhinged. You people need fucking help.


Rottimer t1_iwv02he wrote

If it wasn’t for the obvious logistical issues, I would do that in a heartbeat and start from scratch. Because way too many COs need to be fired.


ohsnapitserny t1_iwta6au wrote

Rikers is most definitely well staffed, they are losing corrections officers like crazy.