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Grass8989 t1_iwuoa3k wrote

You do realize it’s a 24/7 job right, not every corrections officer is there 24 hours a day seven days a week. The amount on shift per inmate is a more accurate statistic


NlNTENDO t1_iwv3m4q wrote

"a ratio seven times higher than the national average"

Not like that job isn't 24/7 literally everywhere else


Grass8989 t1_iwv6a70 wrote

Wasn’t everyone just complaining that there aren’t enough COs to monitor the inmates, Which lead to increased suicide rates on Rikers? So now it’s that’s theres too many? All I’m hearing is a lot of Virtue signaling from people who have never been anywhere near a prison, let alone having worked in one.


Throwawayhelp111521 t1_iwzbdbz wrote

>All I’m hearing is a lot of Virtue signaling from people who have never been anywhere near a prison, let alone having worked in one.

It's equally obvious that most people here are unfamiliar with what lawyers charge or how they work. IIRC, there was a lawyer who was appointed a special master in a securities case. I think she had had a high-ranking position in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York and had left and become a partner at a large, respected corporate law firm. I believe she charged $800 an hour and that was years ago.


NlNTENDO t1_iwv9bs8 wrote

Don't ask me. I wasn't the one who told you that, so don't try to hold me responsible for the opinions of others.