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tempura_calligraphy t1_iwv619q wrote

Ok, I’m a little shocked Matt Katz posts on Reddit, LOL.

Anyway…. “In this moment bold remedies are necessary, and this administration is ready, willing, and legally able to take such steps.” Obviously this is not true or it would’ve been done already. The comment on the monitor being in a self-serving conflict of interest seems quite accurate.

I’m wondering who is exactly in charge? Like, not giving someone diabetes medicine? I can only see this happening because of 5 reasons: there is no diabetes medication (it ran out); too many requests for medication and not enough people to fulfill them (understaffing); total lack of empathy for other humans (aka psychopaths and/or staggering laziness); feeling like you don’t have the power to do it (lack of agency); being paid to not do it (aka corruption). Only 1, 4, and 5 make sense to me, but 4 makes the most sense. Which leads me to wonder who is in charge. (That Martin guy seems pretty corrupt, though, ngl.)

Maybe they should get Elon Musk in there, so he can fire 1/2 the staff and do some “disruption”.