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cptsdeer t1_iwd4gm9 wrote

If you do end up needing to go to the ER, please go to the Mt. Sinai on the upper east side. They have a very good and compassionately-run psych program. Absolutely do not go to any of the hospitals in Brooklyn.

I wish I could give better advice, but having a child makes things a lot more complicated. It could be that an inpatient stay would help a lot, and you'd be set up with a psych and therapist and access to medication afterwards, but I have no idea what you'd need to do about childcare in the meantime.

Please keep us updated though, a lot of people on here want to help!


cptsdeer t1_iwd5upm wrote

Also want to add: a lot of people think that your life is going to be ruined if you go to a psych ward, but that absolutely isn't true. If you really think you're at risk of harming yourself, it is so absolutely worth it to get help rather than risk your daughter growing up without you. It might be hard on her to be displaced for a week or two, but it would be so much harder to lose you entirely. If going to the ER keeps you alive, please do it!


TaonasProclarush272 t1_iwfmtv2 wrote

Good advice! Never go to Woodhull, especially for mental health situations, but for anything in general. First lesson I learned when I moved here


cptsdeer t1_iwgm9n9 wrote

Avoid Woodhull and King's County like the plague. I've heard mixed things about Maimonides for mental health services, but I wouldn't risk going there for an extended stay when Mt. Sinai is an option.