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sysyphusishappy t1_iwdchza wrote

First of all, there are four words you need to keep in mind. This too shall pass.

Second, you need to get out of your head and into your body. Zone three cardio for at least 20 minutes has been shown to lead to significantly reduced levels of anxiety and depression and the results come a few minutes after you finish and can last for a few hours. If you can devote 20 minute a day to exercise, you might get enough distance from your anxiety to come up with more realistic response to your situation. IE how you feel is not necessarily an accurate representation of your situation. SO deal with the feelings first, then try to work on actually fixing things in reality. Right now you're trying to do both at once and it's not helping.

Even if your brain is telling you otherwise, it will start producing dopamine in response to working out and your anxiety will go down, albeit temporarily. But getting that temporary distance from your anxiety might help you rationalize a bit more and maybe realize your response to your current situation is being blown out of proportion by your brain.
