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pandorasfishtank t1_iwf4qzm wrote

Benzos can turn down the heat to the level that people can actually think. You can't use coping skills if your brain isn't working. It sucks when the meds you need to function become trendy for people fuck around with.


seejordan3 t1_iwfhnzk wrote

Your increased chance of dementia/alzheimers (I can't spell) goes up 50% for long term users. Really, you may not want to hear this, but they are not a good long term drug. I'm sorry. These numbers should give anyone pause.

My biggest issue with ALL psych drugs, is dr.'s fail to get informed consent from patients. They don't tell them 1:5 over 2 months get prolonged withdraw. That this drug could lead to death, and commonly does. We lost Robin Williams, Prince, Philip Seymore Hoffman, Kate Spade, and untold others who were dealing with prolonged withdrawl from benzos (yes, and other things, but ask anyone who's done a number of diff. withdraws, and benzos are without a question the worst). They're 'involved' in 30% of deaths from overdose. They really are the next epidemic. You'll understand one day.

And PandorasFishtank, honestly, I hope you find something other than benzos, and do your research. They've cost me many years of my life, and many hundreds of thousands of dollars. I would wish benzos on no one. The "relief" is a prolonging, that is all.