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hugekitten t1_ixt2ez6 wrote

How is your sole existence in Reddit to repost crime news. Are you a bot? Super strange.

It’s literally the people / (maybe bot accounts?) like you that make people in Iowa think NYC is burning to the ground when that’s not the case.


Grass8989 t1_ixt4i58 wrote

Yes we get it. Everyone that doesn’t agree with you is “a bot”, “not from here” or “a right wing fascist”


hugekitten t1_ixt52pn wrote

No, it has nothing to do with what either of us think. It’s just that if you look through most normal people’s post history they don’t obsess over news articles about one place. That’s all you seem to do on this site. Nothing else. Why? Have you ever asked yourself that?

You have 18 posts in 144 days about crime in NYC. All of your comments are… about crime in NYC. It’s almost like you are obsessed with crime in NYC… to the point where you feel you need to regurgitate these articles to people. You don’t. Nobody asked.

When you aren’t posting news stories, you’re crying about them in other threads that mention the same posts.

So yes, you appear very one dimensional and your account looks like a propaganda bot. Sorry if I offended you but you should work on that.


Grass8989 t1_ixt8usx wrote

You really have too much free time on your hands to be examining people’s Reddit post history’s


hugekitten t1_ixt9f1j wrote

it literally takes two seconds and two thumb swipes to see your profile. Stop acting like I’m digging through years of shit. Your whole account is 18 spam posts in this sub about crime in NYC.

See how you defer to a random personal attack (on a stranger none the less) rather than actually addressing the subject matter of my comment?

Sometimes it’s best to just not say anything at all. Do better!


Grass8989 t1_ixt9ysn wrote

So discussing crime makes them “spam posts”? Sorry that you think I’m not allowed to discuss topics I’m interested in. A quick sweep of youre profile shows that your from Staten Island, the majority of this sub will invalidate your opinion based on where you live and talk shit about your borough at every chance they get, fyi.

And you started with me by making personal attacks and claiming I’m a bot/looking through my post history.


hugekitten t1_ixtb9lc wrote

The google definition of spam in English:

Spam: irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the internet to a large number of recipients.

Mods in this sub have deemed crime posts as spam and stared removing them. Why?

Because they are reaching a large number of recipients and do not reflect the actual state of where life in this city actually stands. People like you sharing the same articles of subway incidents is inappropriately portraying NYC to be way more dangerous than it actually is statistically. It’s creating mass hysteria.

So because I come from the one borough that happens to lean majority right, I’m invalidated as a liberal? So by your logic, do you think everyone who comes from Texas is anti abortion? You have some interesting ideals of how the world around you works!


Grass8989 t1_ixtc4gb wrote

Just like the constant posting about cars in the bike lanes are causing “mass hysteria” that this is the major issue our city faces. And I didn’t say I thought your opinion was invalid for living on Staten Island, it’s just that the majority of people this sub do. Look at any post on here about Staten Island, it’s literally all negativity and people talking shit. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Have a good night.


hugekitten t1_ixtcdhe wrote

Thank you, I agree with the Bike lane thing as well.

You also have a good night as well dude. I’m legitimately sorry if you got offended by the bot account thing. I really didn’t mean that to be condescending, it’s just something I noticed that reminded me of those types of accounts. Stay safe and happy holidays to you and your fam!


utamog t1_ixx8oif wrote

Seriously, every person concerned about safety in the city is labeled a bot or right wing nut. Makes no sense, crime is one of the defining aspects of everyday NYC life.