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brownstonebk t1_j2a8gwh wrote

Wow tbh I totally forgot this was still happening. The prices around here are still very high despite the "savings". Two weeks ago I filled my tank at $3.30 a gallon in Brooklyn. Last weekend I filled up in Massachusetts at $2.89. If the prices shoot up overnight to near $4 a gallon when the rest of the northeast is much cheaper, I'm gonna be pissed.


Aviri t1_j2akoso wrote

2.89 in mass is low I’ve seen things closer to 3.20-3.40 around the state.


EWC_2015 t1_j2aqzva wrote

I saw similar prices just under $3 in Rhode Island and parts of Connecticut during christmas. NYC is definitely higher than the rest of the NE.


getahaircut8 t1_j2bkv95 wrote

Bruh do you not remember when gas was like $5+ per gallon?


No_Tax5256 t1_j29zs5m wrote

They really need to extend this tax holiday. People are hurting with all the inflation, and economic problems.


captainktainer t1_j2ar7b7 wrote

Then the government should send people a check or find more positive forms of stimulus, not further distort an already distorted market. Gasoline powered cars impose enormous negative externalities on the market, not least in the infrastructure required to support them. The gasoline tax recaptures a portion of the cost of those externalities and funds the infrastructure needed to support automobile travel.

The last thing we need to do is further incentivize driving.


tomtazm t1_j2bcek8 wrote

So you want the goverment to increase inflation to solve the inflation problem?



captainktainer t1_j2bj3dy wrote

>or find more positive forms of stimulus


tomtazm t1_j2bnt7z wrote

What does that mean? Stimulus is what got us into this situation. It's not how we get out of it.


Rottimer t1_j2cq1qj wrote

Raising taxes actually fights inflation. Putting in place a gas tax holiday does the opposite.


getahaircut8 t1_j2bkxdf wrote

Whose gonna pay for the roads


LMoE t1_j2a04hj wrote

That’s not how inflation works.


picklefluffer t1_j2a3ez1 wrote

If wages went up with inflation then you’d be correct but my wages didn’t go up at the same rate as inflation in the past year and I bet most people will say the same


evilgenius12358 t1_j2abmzl wrote

Find a new job that pays market rate for your skills and services.


picklefluffer t1_j2acirg wrote

Lol that’s like saying “just don’t be poor”, it’s not exactly the easiest thing these days to find a high paying job and more importantly a stable job where you won’t face wage cuts or get laid off if the economy worsens


evilgenius12358 t1_j2bic2i wrote

We are at the tail end of the "Great Resignation". People wirh marketable skills and experience are quitting jobs and moving to new jobs that pay more. Lots of people have taken advantage of the last two years to upskill and pivot from one career to another. There is no better time than now. Fortune favors the bold. Be bold. Take a risk. You may just find yourself in a better place.


The_LSD_Soundsystem t1_j2binhb wrote

Lol finding a new job ain’t easy when people are getting laid off in many sectors.


evilgenius12358 t1_j2bj1cj wrote

Unemployment is at a near all time low. Job creation has outpaced layoffs.


AeneasSonofAnchises t1_j2ajp24 wrote

The gov should stop incentivizing people to drive. The tax should be 2x.

Also if you care about inflation you want people to spend less, so higher prices are good.


jonnycash11 t1_j2bc4qa wrote

For some of us plebs with families to support, we need a car to get around because public transportation outside of Manhattan is shit and certain elected officials would rather convert former railway lines into… parks rather than repair them.

I have kids to take care of and can’t wait an extra 90 minutes both ways for shitty buses and trains.


AeneasSonofAnchises t1_j2bd1x9 wrote

That’s fine if you want to drive.

But as someone who pays an obscene amount of taxes to this city, state, gov. I’m kinda tired of subsidizing car drivers choice to drive, while transit gets shafted.

If you want to drive that’s fine, but it’s the most expensive decision both financially and environmentally.

If driving gets expensive enough, you may start to petition for better public transit


ParadoxScientist t1_j2boqj1 wrote

As a driver myself I'm always in favor of expanding transit and believe it is the ONLY option to reducing car dependency. However most people see the MTA's track record and have no hope, so they don't bother spreading awareness. And a lot of these people are transit users themselves, not drivers. "It would be nice but it's never gonna happen." A lot of these people don't even know about the The Triboro project, the Interborough Express, and the Queenslink.

If the city truly cared they would start expanding transit ASAP, but nope, they always have some political and financial problems. Meanwhile other developed cities around the world have robust, modern subway systems.


AeneasSonofAnchises t1_j2cix3s wrote

Agree, I wish the MTA didn’t suck so hard. But would rather fix it then encourage more cars.


InfernalTest t1_j2cejsl wrote

if youre getting "taxed an obscene amount "....... drivers are too

and i guarantee youre not paying anything close to what people pay in the outlaying counties pay in property taxes - the same people who are needed to come into the city to work and buy stuff here...


AeneasSonofAnchises t1_j2cff9r wrote

And that’s why the LIRR was invented. You want to drive in LI fine, but you shouldnt have a right to drive your 2 ton box into the city for free.

Hell, I think the LIRR should be free and the queensboro should have a $100 toll to encourage it


oreosfly t1_j2f70rn wrote

LIRR free? Hahahaha

LIRR, MNRR, and the express bus costing more than the subway is a big reason why are a billion times more pleasant to ride than the subway.


TetraCubane t1_j2cn961 wrote

LIRR free? What the fuck, we don’t want homeless bums to invade that.


InfernalTest t1_j2f44tf wrote

wait who are you to say what someone should have a "right" to do ???

and im pretty sure you make yourself availible to using a 2 ton box or benefit FROM those 2 ton boxes - LIRR isnt here to replace cars


jonnycash11 t1_j2btbex wrote

What do you mean “subsidizing”? Are you sure you know what that word means?

I pay 30+ cents in state and local taxes a gallon. I’m sure some of that money is going towards the financially insoluble MTA.

Try getting off of Long Island without paying an exorbitant amount in tolls and fares. Most of that money is subsidizing other projects across the state.


WWJewMediaConspiracy t1_j2b2a0r wrote

Nah breathing is overrated, having spring in January is amazing / climate change is a joke, and we just give people more money to fight inflation!

But really yes driving is far too cheap in NYC - higher gas taxes, congestion pricing, etc are all long overdue


Dolphintorpedo t1_j2capez wrote

Charge them market rates


WWJewMediaConspiracy t1_j2ekpfs wrote

Market rates for parking with demand based pricing would for real be one of the fastest, most drastic improvements to infrastructure the city could take.

It'd also probably cause the NYPost readership (amongst others) to convulse and fight as if it were a coming apocalypse / is politically impossible.


jumbod666 t1_j2bi4ny wrote

Inflation comes from too much money chasing too few goods. Also comes from the government spending too much.


lord-helmet t1_j2cr4ie wrote

So all our food will be delivered from the Midwest by bicycle?


The_LSD_Soundsystem t1_j2biv10 wrote

What your describing is literally taxing people because they drive cars, which will tax many lower income people. That is a dumb argument.


tsgram t1_j2br73j wrote

Damn I wish NYC would get some electric vehicle infrastructure going. So fucken sick of my polluting gas guzzler.


blacktongue t1_j2dn6qd wrote

Yeah but what are we going to do, line all the streets with charging blocks? I wish we’d just invest that money in better public transit.


tsgram t1_j2dqpas wrote

I’d take both.


blacktongue t1_j2dsnkz wrote

Every single thing we can do to disincentivize loud, expensive, dangerous space-consuming cars having priority to the streets would be a net benefit to the city. We’ll always need some, but we could definitely stand to have way fewer if the city would just proportionally invest in public transit to compensate.


tsgram t1_j2dzxst wrote

100%! Long story short I drive to work because it saves literally over an hour roundtrip. I would LOVE to have efficient and reliable public transit instead. I’d have to take a subway to a bus, and that bus goes extremely slowly because people park in the bus lane and all through Church Ave 18-wheelers double park to unload.


opheliainwaders t1_j2eqypa wrote

Interestingly, we already have existing infrastructure that could be repurposed/added onto for charging: streetlights! It would require an investment, obviously, but we already have a set of grid-connected blocks lining our streets. (I’m with you on public transit, but I’m ok with both/and in this case, and would like a—politically infeasible, I realize—dramatic reworking of the city budget to prioritize transit, schools, green infra…)


aced124C t1_j2d6s9g wrote

Cant wait, Moved out to NJ in part to have my own driveway to charge up and the whole affordability thing lol


NECOMONY t1_j2dkifg wrote

Wait til you hear about how electricity is produced. And all the energy expended pulling the minerals for the batteries out of the ground.


case-o-nuts t1_j2dy22d wrote

Even charging batteries by burning coal in a combined cycle power plant is more efficient than burning gas in a small internal combustion engine


tsgram t1_j2dqndu wrote

Yea, I know, but it’s already way more environmentally friendly than gas-powered cars


LouisSeize t1_j2c402s wrote

>If you only refuel at that Mobil in Hell's Kitchen by the car dealerships

Isn't that place around $6 a gallon?


VenConmigo t1_j2czv28 wrote

Just as I was hoping gas would go under 3 dollars.....


edaduas t1_j2duzlk wrote

So, we are back to around $4/gallon beginning next year? Filled up yesterday and it was around $3.63.


Debz227 t1_j2bcnam wrote

Or measure out every trip you take with your EV


intjish_mom t1_j2b40m6 wrote

Aw is that why gas was a few cents over $3 recently?


HMcfuddlestein t1_j2c2l6z wrote

If I tell the government that I identify as Ukraine, perhaps they will send me money to cover this.


D14DFF0B t1_j2aaijq wrote

If only there was a way to get around the city without a car. Alas, maybe one day.


crammed174 t1_j2ap5vq wrote

Have little kids and elderly limited mobility parents. Then come back with more insight.


GettingPhysicl t1_j2ax05k wrote

Every time - every single person here is a disabled single LGBT POC LLC mother with 3 babies all with special needs that need to be driven to different boroughs for the special needs appointments and 17 parents all of whom are in a wheelchair and all also have special needs.

I have never heard someone frame themselves more as a victim than when someone mentions their cars should not be subsidized.


crammed174 t1_j2ax6ey wrote

What in the hell are you babbling about.


GettingPhysicl t1_j2axldf wrote

That everytime any cost is incurred to drivers or an implication that they should use public transportation they will remember and embellish every single vaguely difficult thing about their lives in the justification of why they cannot possibly use public transportation and also why the cost to own a car in nyc should always be kept artificially low for them


crammed174 t1_j2aylg3 wrote

OK, but you can go on your delusional rants elsewhere. I didn’t even know that there was a gas tax holiday unfortunately, whatever the prices of gasoline is, I’ll be paying it. I wasn’t saying come subsidize me with the life-changing $.40 a gallon. But on top of that if you want to talk shit about New York, we all subsidize public transit because our disgusting MTA steals billions of dollars a year and it’s subsidized with taxes, whereas every other public transport system in the world runs clean trains and stations, efficient, and self-sufficient.

Oh, and lastly I don’t drive to work. But doesn’t mean you can say stupid shit about people’s needs or health. I don’t talk shit about people that wanna bike or take a bus or a train or a car and maybe you should elevate yourself to be that kind of person as well.


actualtext t1_j2bmxjt wrote

> whereas every other public transport system in the world runs clean trains and stations, efficient, and self-sufficient.

Doubt the self sufficient part. Public transit needs to be subsidized with taxes to an extent. It’s just a matter of how much a government is willing to subsidize. Trying to make it break even or profitable will lead to a system that will price people out and just incentivize car driving. But I do agree that the MTA really should be restructured and their spending scrutinized more.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j2bjzjh wrote

No one ever had children or grew old in an urban area without a car ever. It's never been done in all of human history


crammed174 t1_j2bwbfy wrote

People also don’t have a roof over their head or food on the table. I don’t see the argument there. Absolutely people lived without a car before and now but if it makes your life easier, and you want it, why wouldn’t you utilize it? The problem with you people is that you have a problem with someone else doing it. It’s mind boggling how hate filled you people are and just don’t see it.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j2byuur wrote

I don't give a crap if anyone drives. Drive all you want. It's when you start crying about traffic and parking spots and bike lanes and this and that...that's when you should start thinking about giving up your car because obviously it's too much for you to deal with. The fact is they are building more and more bike lanes and taking out car lanes to expand pedestrian space and add space for non car drivers. Cars are a luxury not a need. And we would all rather you give up your car than hear you cry about parking and traffic incessantly.


crammed174 t1_j2c1lds wrote

Did I do any of that? That’s why I said people like you have a real problem. You deal in absolutes and that’s a problem and an asshole thing.

Regarding Traffic, it’s a New York thing. Subways have traffic in one way tunnels. Transportation is forever fucked in this city. There was traffic 50 years ago with less than half the amount of cars. There’s traffic for no reason that seemingly opens up with no accidents or road work to explain it.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j2c8om9 wrote

Lol really you have never heard anyone complaining about bike lanes or the open streets program or street parking being removed? Never? Well God bless you


blacktongue t1_j2dncnl wrote

Oh shit everyone in my neighborhood with a car is an elderly disabled person with 2 kids?


D14DFF0B t1_j2aq9jh wrote

I do have little kids.


crammed174 t1_j2asuv8 wrote

Then I’d recommend trying out a car to get them place to place with the strollers and diaper bags and all. Unless you live in Manhattan with endless taxis and subways a few steps away. Then a car would actually cost more.


D14DFF0B t1_j2b77og wrote

Walking is a thing. You should try it sometime.


flightwaves t1_j2df1ct wrote

What if I told you people have the technology to explore far away places without multi-day walking treks.


crammed174 t1_j2b8vcw wrote

Never heard of it. My car is parked in my living room and I drive down my 3rd floor walk up right into grocery stores even. Don’t need to find a shopping cart. The idiocy is beyond me.
