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danhakimi t1_j0g7ya2 wrote

Uh... Not sure how you think bodily fluids work, but most people don't get them on their clothes often... And most people also clean their clothes when they get dirty, so...

But fine, you're welcome to keep buying new crap and throwing it in landfills, no need to be offended at the thought of thrifting. Some of us like it, I hope that's okay with you.


TwoCats_OneMan t1_j0ii5kv wrote

Sweat, urine, semen, blood.


danhakimi t1_j0ilkir wrote

Sweat is not considered a bodily fluid. See: It doesn't really transmit disease. And since you'd be thrifting in person -- on the very off chance that somebody has sweat enough into a garment to smell without cleaning it, you'd be able to smell before you bought.

I don't know what you're doing with your clothes, but I doubt anybody is selling anything that has been stained with anything else on that list.

But... You know what, you've convinced me, you definitely shouldn't come.