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ThreeLittlePuigs t1_iyhjk8z wrote

Everyone saying “hurray they’re going to commit people” is missing the point. Sure we need to forcibly hospitalize people, but we also need a place to put them. The city has made 0 indication they are going to open up new crisis stabilization or safe haven beds, and the states only adding 50. We don’t have enough psych beds as is, so what are we going to do with all these folks? The city and state need to get serious and add the infrastructure to back up their policy.


CactusBoyScout OP t1_iyhy82y wrote

And it’s not just bed capacity. Someone who works in this field commented on the first NYTimes article saying basically that the whims of the mayor won’t change established legal guidelines for committing people or the decades of court case rulings that got us to this point.

Adams can’t snap his fingers and make the state hold more people in facilities. There might be an increase in 72 hour holds but that’s about it.


Evening_Presence_927 t1_iyjmuka wrote

Exactly. This will just turn into a revolving door of homeless people being committed into a hospital system and then being spit back out after being stabilized with no long-term care.

It’s all just an attempt on Adams’ part to save face after being caught at the wheel on the crime issue.


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_iyjshv7 wrote

Even worse, I suspect they won’t make jt into the hospital at all because there’s no space


Robinho999 t1_iyhql2d wrote

Convert Rikers Island into a giant mental health facility


Whatthepazzesco_ t1_iyllyro wrote

They did that with former Blackwell’s island. It didn’t go well. Or the homeless facility on Randall’s island. But they had to pay bus fare in order to spend the night there.


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_iyhtdyc wrote

Toxic poisonous land is not a good place to send folks. It’s also a lawsuit waiting to happen.
