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_neutral_person t1_iyji8ou wrote

LOL. Anyone even remotely invested in politics knew Adams was not only going to ignore police reform but enable behavior ruining the police's reputation with the public.

Imagine expecting the guy who allowed his staffers to print bogus placards so they could park on sidewalks to go after "the bad apples" in the police force. He does not care.


CTDubs0001 t1_iyjo7sa wrote

Let me rephrase a little bit... I was hopeful he would enact police reform. And I very seriously follow politics and I don't think this was too naive a hope. He definitely was going to come down hard on crime and have a very aggressive stance on policing, but I hoped he could work both sides of that knife's edge.

After DeBlasio came in guns blazing screaming 'all cops are bad' essentially, he was done as far as police reform went right out of the gate. They were never, never going to listen to him. I was hopeful, that Adams might be smarter. I was hopeful that maybe he was smart enough to not scream for police reform from the rooftops like De Blasio did, but would quietly work to make change. And elements of his history are there to make you think he might do that.

That Adams, with his backstory of growing up in NYC, having a tough run in with cops at a young age, founding 100 blacks in law enforcement, etc... That if he wanted to, he was very uniquely positioned to make change.He had all the right parts to be both listened to by cops AND the general public. IF, and it was always an IF to me, he had the will. But hopeful was probably my overall sentiment about it, he still had a lot of career politician stink on him.

Now this far into his tenure I realize that hope was just that, and will never be more.


ManLindsay t1_iyjqqjf wrote

I definitely see where you’re coming from, I just can’t get behind that. He was always abusive of whatever power he had, and ready to fuck anyone over for a buck. His track record is not good


GreenTunicKirk t1_iyjs99s wrote

Its unbelievable to me that he was elected. He was openly hostile to the press and his own constiuents during the campaign. The trend of politicians being the worst possible people we can put into office is really upsetting, but I thought NYC was smarter, collectively.

Just another fire burning during the Last Days of Rome.


_Maxolotl t1_iykru8k wrote

Yeah I knew he was a crook, and I didn't vote for him because of it, but I also knew he was batshit crazy and expected him to at least do some things that were terrible and funny at the same time because of it. So far too much terrible, not enough funny.