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Johnnadawearsglasses t1_iyjklnt wrote

I don’t have access to your form 1099 so I couldn’t say. I don’t hate any animal, btw. But I also don’t support people having animals in an irresponsible way. You wouldn’t have a chimpanzee as a house pet. Or a Lion as a guard animal. Nor should you keep a breed with an overwhelmingly disproportionate share of deadly and serious safety incidents if you are a layperson. You should require licensing similar to any other activity that impacts public safety. The major impediment to that is the pit bull advocacy groups who misrepresent the statistics and try to gaslight anyone who disagrees with them. I personally don’t care if your “pitty” is sweet and nicer than any human. Any more than I care that someone who owns an AK-47 is a kind and caring person.