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utahnow t1_iymoyzq wrote

I agree and i actually do believe that juniors in NYC should be in the office. I am an MD and i know i couldn’t have made it by working from home. And why would you even freaking want to as a young person in NYC living in a tiny apartment? give me my desk and my ergonomic office chair over a couch and a coffee table in a studio apartment. Get out there, meet people, work hard, play harder, this is what your 20ies are for 😀

But it’s the seniors who are the rainmakers, it is my job to bring in business and I do not need to sit in the office for that and if a company is gonna try and make me, I am taking my clients and my team and I am leaving. Or I am leaving the industry - exit opportunities at senior levels are abundant and attractive, you can size them up to your desired lifestyle. So this is how it’s gonna be. Those with options will exercise them.

Edit: and GS funny enough just gave its traders bonus warning despite having a good year. This is what i am talking about. BB sucks for senior people