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wizard_of_aws t1_j1klqg2 wrote

I feel like most commenter didn't read the article, or at least the reasons they give for low enrollment.


Les923 t1_j1ky2ld wrote

They just want to spew their prejudices about Black mothers not working & sitting home on welfare when statistics show that white people collect benefits more than Black people smh. Every Black woman I know work & work hard.


Affectionate_Ear3330 t1_j1mpatk wrote

Ask those black women if they were comfortable placing a three year old in a public school when they had the choice to simply not.


Les923 t1_j1n2c9b wrote

Well the Black women I knew who had babies & this is before the 3 year old universal Pre K was started, we all had our children (younger than 5 y/o since once they turned 5, they went to kindergarten) we all had them with a paid babysitter or for the fortunate ones who had a family member who stayed home, like a retired grandmother, they were the ones who babysat our children because welfare is not a sufficient lifestyle for us.

We wanted more than ‘project living’. We all worked, we didn’t want to eat once a month when food stamps were given out or live where only Section 8 is accepted. 75% of the women I know are all home owners & those that are still in apartments pay their rents with no public assistance.

Please don’t believe all of what the Republican leaning media wants you to believe. The majority of Black women out here are working hard for their money & not sitting around waiting on hand outs & public assistance.

So basically we didn’t have a choice to simply not place our children at day care or with babysitters because we HAD to work & was working before getting pregnant & had to go back to work WAY before they turned 3 y/o.