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Ilovemytowm t1_iyr17lv wrote

My girlfried was assaulted by a violent homeless person. It was traumatizing and she is recovering.

Hence. I support this. No other options are left WHEN THEY REFUSE TREATMENT AND VIOLENTLY ASSAULT a women who is 5’3 and 108 lbs. I'm done.


ScarcitySenior3791 t1_iytp4ms wrote

Same thing happened to me last year in NYC. Although my shiner healed within a few weeks, the PTSD took quite a bit longer to diminish and so did the anger at the NYPD for refusing to pursue it in spite of clear security camera footage (in fairness though, I think the NYPD precinct was merely acting on the ADA's direction and felt that their hands were tied). Hope your girlfriend makes a recovery from the trauma, physical and emotional. It's a terrible thing to be subjected to.


yankuniz t1_iyr36at wrote

When they assault people they are arrested charged and sentenced appropriately. Sounds like you are suggesting we arrest homeless people who have not committed any crimes because of your fear they may one day commit a crime?


Grass8989 t1_iyr5l8k wrote

We need to get people with violent history’s that are homeless off the streets. Most are deep in addiction/mental illness, and are ticking time bombs. It’s not humane or safe for anyone to live under these conditions.


yankuniz t1_iyr9pe5 wrote

This is more criteria than most people are giving in the comments. I do not disagree with you, but I would like to see some very strict guidelines that are publicly debated, agreed upon and adjusted over time. Many of these people have no advocates so there needs to be oversight and transparency. We cannot turn this into a system of locking people away without fair trials.


spicytoastaficionado t1_iyrb0y0 wrote

>When they assault people they are arrested charged and sentenced appropriately.

Not really.

The psycho who murdered Christina Lee violently assaulted a subway commuter a few months before killing her, and was just given a court appearance and allowed to remain free even though he was a clear danger to public safety.


Ilovemytowm t1_iyr8gt9 wrote

Right. They are sentenced appropriately What a joke comment.


yankuniz t1_iyr8wh2 wrote

I don’t see the joke. Was the person who violently assaulted your loved one not punished?


Ilovemytowm t1_iyrf9du wrote

For the record when I say girlfriend... This is my friend not that it matters.

No, They are not punished. They are out walking the streets with everyone else and don't give a s*** about a record or being arrested or paying a fine. They don't f****** care because they are mentally ill.. They don't have a job They don't have a home They live in an alternate universe. So it's not a matter of not caring... it's because they are mentally ill and thinking the norms that shape and affect and guide us... it is meaningless.

I have a family member who is bipolar. There are times when he has to be committed against his will to get him back on his medication regime before he hurts himself or others. Maybe you should go rescue him from the horrible people that we are.


yankuniz t1_iyrgr0p wrote

I have been on the same situation so I know firsthand that it is not a simple or arbitrary process and I would not paint all mental health processes with the same brush. I was satisfied in my experience that the process tries to restrict people from being abused by more powerful people. The fear is that the police can start summarily making unwanted people disappear from society because they are inconvenient


Ilovemytowm t1_iyrmx63 wrote

I don't think that would ever happen. This is not 1898.

I say think.. so I'm not pretending I know otherwise.

Just getting tired of being afraid. I was on the subway and somebody got on.. sat behind me started screaming at me.ans getting close. I swear to God I felt like punching them. I was able to just get up and move to the next car.


Ilovemytowm t1_iyru67x wrote

Downvoted because as a woman, I want to defend myself against some screaming lunatic spitting in my ear so close to my back I was terrified.

People freaking suck.


Rottimer t1_iyvo3pi wrote

This might not be the city for you. You sound like you’d feel a lot more comfortable living is some suburb far away.


Ilovemytowm t1_iyvwdlt wrote

I do not live in the city I live in New Jersey. Kind of in the country. But I've lived here in this area all my life. I come in constantly for dinner shows and then more dinners etc. I have friends who work in the city and live there as well. I don't think I should have to ever say for the first time in my life I don't feel safe on the subway and for the first time in my girlfriend's life she was assaulted. The answer is not telling her don't work here or telling me don't come here.


Rottimer t1_iywl6ml wrote

It really is the answer, or at least it's a better answer than you advocating to violate people's 4th and 5th amendment rights just so that you feel safer when you visit occasionally.