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Excuse_my_GRAMMER t1_iytwqs3 wrote

There a Chinese government police station in china town that independent of NYPD?


edaduas t1_iytyrkp wrote

Not sure how true it is, but FBI recently claimed China is operating police stations out of US and other countries to monitor Chinese immigrants. China says it is run by volunteers.


kaiju-chan t1_iz38ywn wrote

Its real they mascarade as an agency to "help" chinese nationals abroad with renewing ID and various forms. Fuzhou Police station is what they are called. But in actuality they hunt and harass CCP dissenters. They'll arrest family members that lives in mainland china and make them call that person to turn themselves and get expidited back to china. My prediction of this is that they'll wont be so obvious next time and work under a shell company.


EdgeOrnery6679 t1_iytypzq wrote

I doubt the guys a Chinese officer. Communist party officials send their family members to study abroad and stuff like this happens. Theres been multiple times across the planet where pro CCP zombies attack anti CCP people


DadBodofanAmerican t1_iyv9mli wrote

Most likely. The CCP has been caught having them in cities around the world to monitor the Chinese diaspora and Chinese citizens abroad. Makes sense that they'd have one in NYC with the size of our Chinese community and all the rest of the stuff happening here.