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Grass8989 t1_iyyiybj wrote

Literally, and the trips on his dime too. Love him or hate him, he’s very visible in the city and hardly hides in his office.


Babhadfad12 t1_iyyq38j wrote

I doubt it. He went out of his way to say he was laying for his “lodging”. I would assume this means he’s only paying for the lodging, and the hotel might even discount his room so they can charge the city for all the other rooms needed for security.


mowotlarx OP t1_iz01kf3 wrote

The trip isn't on his dime. He brought city staff and security detail, which we pay for. He only said he's paying for his own lodging. Which means meals, tickets and other events are being paid for by somebody else. But will never really know that because he refused to tell anyone in the public or press where he's going and what he's doing on this "work" trip.

By the way the better reading of the "doesn't hide in office" issue is that all he does is schmooze and get free shit on the taxpayer dime. He loves being around celebrities and partying. So what is he actually doing besides networking and promoting his own personal brand? Maybe he should spend more time in office and less getting comped meals from his sleazy friends.


LostSoulNothing t1_iz0mr7b wrote

"On his dime" my ass. He claims that he paid for his own hotel in Qatar, even if that is true everything else (including his flights, hotel in Greece, etc) was paid for by the taxpayers or entities that will likely expect something in return. The taxpayers were also stuck with the bill (overtime, travel expenses, etc) for his security detail