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okafkant t1_j1zza2n wrote

i wouldn’t mind seeing a flag with a giant cock and balls on it. maybe an ankh with some cool ass plasma balls and lava lamps in front of a sick space backdrop. yeah. i’ll get working on the design and report back with some mock ups.


Mattna-da t1_j201il5 wrote

Orange is Dutch team colors, blue and orange togetheris the Mets. What are better “local colors”


Equivalent-Ad2614 t1_j202zxe wrote

Just add pinstripes to the white section. The windmill and colors are the only thing relating to the Dutch.


Sea_Atmosphere8668 t1_j20615s wrote

It represents the Dutch history of our city… it’s not boring, just irrelevant to people who don’t know this part of NY history


karmapuhlease t1_j206g67 wrote

>For one, I don't think blue, orange, and white are very compelling or locally relevant colors.

They're very locally relevant. Those are the colors of William of Orange, the Dutch ruler whose dynasty first established the city as New Amsterdam. He was a member of the House of Nassau, which is why Nassau County is so named. Those colors are used for the Mets, Islanders, and Knicks (who are named after the Knickerbockers, which was also a name for the Dutch settlers of New York).

All of that said, you're not wrong that those other flags look nicer than ours, but it's not clear to me what a better replacement would look like. The Statue of Liberty is probably our most iconic symbol, and nothing else really comes all that close, so I'd be open to seeing a design that incorporated it. The current seal on the flag should remain as the city seal, but it doesn't need to be on the flag (too small and detailed.)


manormortal t1_j208b6k wrote

Still of the 8 ball jacket slap.

Sends a message.


Diarrhea_Skeleton t1_j208xn0 wrote

The colors are not arbitrary, they're historically tied to the House of Orange, and are iconic, they should be embraced, not discarded.

The 99% invisible episode on city flag design and vexillology singlehandedly revived interest in this subject across the world, drawing attention in particular to the use of text and seals on flags. I agree that the seal looks bad on the flag, but isn't itself objectionable and has more symbolism than you give it credit for. I'd simply replace the seal with five blue stars in a circle to represent the boroughs.

[like such] (


Jahaerys_Rivers t1_j209u9e wrote

Just cuz something is historically relevant to something Dosent mean it isn’t ugly. I’d say keep the color scheme and seal just incorporate the colors in non huge block stripes