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ApartNefariousness95 t1_iz2hb36 wrote

Ok. Of the hundreds of pop up shops that have opened just a months time ALL these shops r selling actual weed?!!! I have been to several and I can say they are selling bogus crap. Certainly there could be that occasional outlier who has the real deal...but I know what real pot is and the majority of these stores are scamming people. I have been smoking weed since the 70s. I have been to the dispensaries in Colorado where it is legitimate fire shit. So far I have been to several of these BS pop up shops as well as what has been claimed to be legit delivery is nothing but bullshit product. People need to be patient and either keep dealing with your guy....or wait for a registered dispensary. Down vote me all you want but you all know this shit popping up is bogus


winkieface t1_iz2k1vp wrote

Yeah they're selling real weed and buying it en masses too to so they can meet the demand


painess OP t1_iz2m98k wrote

Like I said, since a bunch of these are dealers opening up their own shops, it's no different than what was being sold on the streets in NYC before. I'm sure that there are also a lot of bodegas and gas stations trying to jump in on the trend and selling shitty weed, but the "dispensary" type places that I have been to have all been good.


Icy-Performance-3739 t1_iz2xhnv wrote

The ones in the city center sell fake stuff to rich young professionals and the bodegas in the hoods sell real the to us because the guys selling it smoke it too and love it and are proud of their product...also they are people that live in the community and see all of us many times a week in passing.


ApartNefariousness95 t1_iz2mppn wrote

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.. but so far I am not quite convinced


47Quiet t1_iz36ivg wrote

I was also highly skeptical for a while, but it’s true. Almost all of the smoke shops and bodegas sell legit bud under the table, unless you give them cop vibes, of course. Personally, I still go to my own plug, but if I’m in a pinch I’ll get a pre roll from a smoke shop. Walk into any smoke shop and ask for bud with confidence. They’ll have it. Not delta 8, not cbd, legit bud. It’s illegal, but they have nothing to fear when laws aren’t enforced.


quotidian_obsidian t1_iz3c37c wrote

Same here - you just have to go in to basically any smoke shop/bodega and ask for their selection of real weed. I moved here from CA where it's normal to smoke and the last few months have been a revelation; there are now multiple places within a few minutes' walk that sell bud completely openly - quite nice flower, on top of being so accessible now.


jaj-io t1_iz4du06 wrote

Ok? Don’t be convinced, but they are perfectly real. You refusing to believe doesn’t make them any less real.