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ToffeeFever t1_iz7xcta wrote

Gentrification of existing stock. The main reason why all my favorite spots to eat and shop at shut down, because they couldn't survive a year or two with space in short supply and rents charging a fortune without competing space cutting into it. And in many places where land were historically zoned for anything else other than retail like manufacturing (that only exists abroad now), it takes years and more added costs to get through the city's broken land review process!


damnatio_memoriae t1_iz8p1n3 wrote

> with space in short supply

what are you even talking about. everywhere i go for at least the last five years but especially since covid, it's empty store fronts. it's not because of NIMBYs. it's because private interests own everything and prefer to keep it vacant than lower the rent.


The_Razielim t1_iz9yzo8 wrote

Yep, there's locations that have been closed since before I moved into my current neighborhood (nearing 6 years now), and have just been vacant storefronts the entire time.

There's what used to be a small Italian(?) spot that closed maybe 1-2 weeks after I moved into this neighborhood that has just been shuttered for the last 5.5 years.

It's absolutely ridiculous how many things are allowed to just sit empty, doing nothing.